Page 60 of Love Me Always

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“It’s safe. Calm down before you pop a vein,” I teased.

“Lorenzo, you’re lucky that she’s even agreeing to turn up tomorrow after all the shit I’m pretty sure you’ve pulled,” she snapped, and I wondered if Anastacia had told her whole fucking family about what happened between us.

“What did she say?” I quizzed eagerly.

“She didn’t say anything. Florence just mentioned Anastacia was happy to be home, but I know exactly what you’re like. You’ll present Anastacia that ring tomorrow night and you’ll be on your best behaviour, nothing less.”

“Why does she even need a ring?” I didn’t even love the woman, she didn’t need a ring, she probably wouldn’t even want to wear it.

“Because she’s your fiancée. Honestly Lorenzo, you really know how to test my patience, especially today.” She let out an exasperated sigh.

“Fine, I’ll give her the fucking ring.” I clutched the steering wheel as thoughts of me sliding a ring on her finger flashed through my mind. “Ma?”


“Did you see her today?” Not that I cared or at least I didn’t think I did, but I wanted to know.

“Briefly. She greeted me when I first arrived but that glow she had the night you met her had dimmed slightly. Did you upset her?”Yes, I did.

“No, we just don’t see eye-to-eye, that’s all.” I pulled into my space in the garage and shut off the engine.

“Don’t lie to me.” Her stern voice had taken over and she was in full mother mode now.

“We’re getting to know one another, that’s all. I fucked up.” I slammed my hand against the wheel as I relived the words I spoke to Ana before she left. How I let her walk away without trying to stop her.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with a certain blonde man, right?” She hedged, and my heart sank.

“What the fuck has Chad fucking Williams got to do with it?” I seethed.

“That boy was on the lookout for her all damn morning, but Victor had plans that involved himself and Anastacia, so Chad didn’t exactly get a look in.” That calmed me a little.

“He came over the house to see her last night, and I accused her of fucking him. She tried to correct me, but I didn’t believe her.” I never realised how bad it sounded until I said it out loud.

“I don’t know what you think you know or what she’s told you, but she’s a damn angel compared to you. Florence and Victor raised her to become your wife, to be able to defend herself as well as you if you needed it. To love and respect you as long as you showed her the exact same. She’s your equal and nothing less.” She let out a deep breath as everything she said hit me like a tonne of bricks.

“I’ve shown her none of that.” Guilt washed over me instantly, and even though she was on the other end of the phone, she knew.

“Please don’t beat yourself up over this. You haven’t shown her those things, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. The only thing stopping you is yourself and that’s something you can easily change.”

It was time to fix the mess I’d made.

Tonight,was the night of my engagement party.Most of the day had been a blur. Hairdressers and make-up artists swarmed the house to get my mother, Robin, Tay, my brother’s wife, Loreta, and myself ready. I would rather do my own hair and make-up, but my mother was having none of it.

“How are you feeling, Ana?” Loreta asked from the seat she’d been sat in to have her hair styled.

“Fine.” I played with my nails as I couldn’t bring myself to look her in the eye.

“Just fine? Aren’t you excited?” Her face glowed with the same excitement I should have.

“Does she look like she wants to get engaged to that piece of—” Tay piped up from the corner chair, her hair already neatly styled into a chignon at the nape of her neck.

“All right, that’s enough.” My mother appeared in the doorway. “Can I get five minutes alone with my daughter?” She ushered everybody out.

“The ladies are ready to start your hair and make-up.” She sat beside me on the bed as I picked at a loose thread on my comforter.

“It’s too much, Mama, I don’t need to go to this much trouble for him.” She cupped my face as I gazed into her eyes.

“This is for you, not for him. I just hope he realises how lucky he is to be the man marrying you.” She pulled me into her warm embrace as my face snuggled against the pure silk material of her robe.
