Page 72 of Love Me Always

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We showered with one another, she washed her hair before she lathered up her body, but I took over, I ran my soapy hands over every inch of her flawless skin, there wasn’t a scar on it and if there was, I hadn’t seen it yet. After I was done washing her, she returned the favour. When her hand palmed my dick, I had to fight the urge to bend her over.

“Get your mind out the gutter, Ricci. You’ve had enough for one day.” She remained straight faced and I had a hard time working out whether she meant it or not.

“Oh, is that so?” I stepped closer to her as she immediately ducked beneath my arm, grabbed a towel, and exited to the bedroom all the while leaving a trail of water behind her.

I stood beneath the spray for a moment longer to let her catch her breath and relax a little. I wouldn’t fuck her again… well, not yet anyway.

* * *

I found her again in the kitchen wearing a skintight tank top, fitted jeans and a pair of sneakers. Her hair was braided into two braids. How she managed that on herself was beyond me. Her face was fresh, and she looked stunning, my breath hitched in my throat as she finished making a coffee so specifically.

“That wouldn’t happen to be for me, would it?” I teased as she added the spoon in the dishwasher.

“Why would you think that? I can’t make a coffee for myself now?” That smart mouth was about to get another seeing to if she didn’t pack it in.

“I didn’t know you took your coffee the exact way I do.” I arched my brow as I made my way over to where she stood. “Hand it over.” I pressed a chaste kiss on her lips.

“No, it’s mine.” God, she’d be good under pressure.

“Anastacia, don’t make me take it by force.” She hid the travel mug of coffee behind her back and then it dawned on me as to why she would need a travel mug when she had no plans today.

“I’m quivering in my sneakers, Ricci.” That was the second time today she called me by my last name, and I had to admit I liked it, but not as much as the way Lorenzo sounded.

“You should be, did you forget how I can make you scream?” Her face broke into a smile as she toyed with the buttons on my crisp white shirt. “Thought I’d had enough for one day?”

I dipped my head to bring my lips to hers as I inhaled her scent. It wasn’t what I’d grown accustomed to. It was spicier than her usual floral scent, but I had realised that anything she wore smelt incredible on her skin. She tiptoed and I was automatically under her spell as her lips finally claimed mine.Could I ever get used to this?The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I snaked my arm around her waist, her body flush to mine as her nipples pebbled underneath her black tank.

“Remove your jeans.” How is it possible I needed her again?

“Here, really?” Her voice was only a whisper as I flicked her button open.

“Well, well, well, would you look at that! Are my eyes deceiving me or do I see these two finally getting along.”Good timing, Red, fucking brilliant.

“No, I would say these two look a whole lot closer than before,” Emmet joked from the doorway. I quickly readjusted Ana’s jeans and fastened the button.

“Is he being nice to you, Ana?” Red said.

“Are you for real right now?” I snapped as I turned to face my two closest friends at the doorway.

“Yes, you haven’t exactly been the nicest, have you?” Red folded his arms across his chest.

“Thank you for pointing that out. Is there anything else?” Ana giggled from behind me. “We’re leaving in ten minutes. Go and pull the fucking cars around.”

“Boss.” They nodded and made their way towards the garage.

I stalked off to the hallway to hurry Gino along when that sweet, angelic voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” I turned on my heel. Ana held up the travel mug with a heart-stopping smile on her face.

She had made it for me.

Why did that make me so damn happy? Days ago, she would have probably poisoned it, but after last night, everything had changed. she managed to put a smile on that grumpy, arsehole face of mine, something nobody else had managed, and if they had, it wasn’t a real one.

“So, it was for me?” I took the mug from her outstretched hand as it warmed my hand as well as heart.

“I was only winding you up.” She leant back against the counter as one of the hickeys I gave her this morning peeked out the top of her tank.

“And the travel mug?”
