Page 73 of Love Me Always

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“I knew you were going to be out most of the day, so I wanted you to enjoy your morning coffee.”Wow.She really was something special.

“Be ready for eight tonight.” I smiled as I pecked her cheek. Her smile spoke a thousand words as a gesture so simple meant more than I thought.

“What, why?” Her smile had suddenly turned into a mixture of pure excitement and confusion.

“I’m taking my fiancée on a date.” I winked as I left her standing alone in the kitchen.

Tonight would probably be her first real date, but what she didn’t know was that it was mine as well.

A date?

I’ve never been on an actual date since my father never allowed it. I was already promised to someone else.

I pulled out my phone and called the girls right away. They had been on more dates than I could count so their advice was needed. It wasn’t until I went to call, one was already coming in…Miles.

“Good morning, Miles.”

“You sound a little more chipper than usual, are you okay?” I could hear the surprise in his voice, and I knew his face was probably the exact same.

“I’m all right. Sorry we didn’t say goodbye last night. You were too lost in Loreta’s eyes to notice me leaving,” I joked.

“That’s what happens when you love someone. I don’t think Lorenzo would understand that, would he?” He scoffed. Miles and Lorenzo had been friends since they were kids, but my brother couldn’t stand Lorenzo’s recent attitude and actions.

“Leave Lorenzo out of this.”Wait, did I defend him?“We put any differences aside after the engagement. I think we’ll be fine.” I strummed my fingers on the counter as I waited to hear what Miles had to say.

“You did? I didn’t think you’d give in so easily.” His remarks were unwanted, but I understood where he was coming from.

“Listen, you’re my brother and you know I adore you, but last night, things changed for us. Sure, he can be a heartless bastard and I don’t think that will ever change, but we’ve managed to find a common ground and that’s all I needed. He showed me respect and it’s only fair I reciprocate.” I took a deep breath after getting my point across. “He’s taking me on a date tonight.”

“Fuck off! That man has never been on a date throughout his entire life!” His response wasn’t what I was expecting; it was quite the opposite actually.

Lorenzo had never been on a date. I knew he slept around plenty, but why wouldn’t he date? Too busy? Not bothered? Never mind, it wasn’t my business.

“Well, he’s taking me out tonight.” I smiled as I sipped my bottle of water.

“I hope you have a lovely time, and he treats you right because if I hear he’s fucked it up, he’s a dead man.”

“Calm down. I can handle myself unless you forgot that.” He knew I could, he helped train me as much as the others did.

“I know you can. I just worry, that’s all.” He did; he was always overprotective of me.

“I know, Miles. Is everything okay anyway? You barely have time to call since you’re busy,” I asked.

“I was just calling to check in on you, but now that I know you’re okay, I can sleep a little easier.” He laughed as did I. He always put a smile on my face when I needed it, but today, I didn’t need him to, I was already wearing one. “Loreta asked me to tell you she’s extremely excited about wedding dress shopping this weekend.”Oh, shit. I forgot about that. “You forgot, didn’t you?”

“How do you know I forgot?”

“The silence summed it up perfectly. Are you excited at least?”Was I?

“Possibly. I’ll see when I’m there how it hits me.” That wasn’t a lie. I didn’t know how I felt. Things didn’t just change overnight, right? “Anyway, you better get back to baby making now,” I joked since he and Loreta have decided they wanted to expand their family.

“I am not discussing my sex life with my sister; you will, however, be the first to know when we’re expecting.” They wanted a child more than anything and I wanted nothing more than that for them. “I need to get going, but I hope you enjoy your date and that he treats you as you deserve, like a fucking diamond.”

“Goodbye, Miles.” I laughed as I hung up the phone.

I never dated, he and my father made sure of that. They kept the boys away no matter what, and at the time it pissed me off no end, but now I understood why they did it.

* * *
