Page 76 of Love Me Always

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“Good things come to those who wait.” I sauntered away from him but didn’t get far as his hands wrapped around my waist in less than a second.

“I waited long enough for you; I’m not waiting anymore,” he growled, the dominance in full force.

“How about this? If you get a strike next, we’ll go home, and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, and I mean anything.” I lingered on the final word as Lorenzo kissed my neck from behind.

“And if you win?” He was intrigued.Good.

“Then I get to decide what we do next.” I wriggled from Lorenzo’s grip as I moved to take my turn.

I bent over slightly, just enough to allow my dress to ride up for him to see what he would win if I lost, and a low groan left his lips. I let the ball go, and as I expected, I knocked down every single pin.

“Whoops.” I spun to face an annoyed Lorenzo. “Looks like I won.” I smiled as he went to pick up his ball.

“No, no, I still have my turn.” He strode past me with a determined look on his face. He hadn’t managed a strike all night.

He released his ball as he stared intently at it, and what happened next caused my jaw to drop.

“Looks like I won too, love.” His smug face irritated me like nothing else. This man had never been bowling, let alone managed to make a single strike tonight, and just like that, he won too.

“So, how’s this going to work?”

“I’ll allow you to decide what we do after we leave this place, but later, you’re mine. Mine to do whatever the fuck I want with. I’ll fuck you until morning and you’ll come until you blackout.” His hand cupped my bare pussy as he teased my slick folds. “Do we have a deal?”

“Lorenzo—” I gasped.

“I said, do we have a deal?”

“Yes, yes, we have a deal.”

“I thought so. Shall we get going?”

“Okay.” Our eyes met briefly, and his gaze had softened.

After we retrieved our shoes, we stepped out into the coolness of the evening air. Rain threatened the sky as I hurried towards the car, but my efforts were in vain as he pulled me into his arms when the first droplet of rain landed on my bare arm.

“Lorenzo, stop!” I squealed as I tried to make a quick getaway, but it was hopeless.

“It’s only a little rain, does it matter?” Then the heavens opened, and the rain heavily bounced off the pavement. His breathtaking smile almost melted me into a puddle.

Lorenzo’s shirt molded to every muscle that graced his temple of a body. The black ink no longer hidden. His locks flopped down onto his forehead, rainwater clung to each strand helplessly before each one ran along his sharp and angular features.

“Kiss me.” The words left my mouth before my brain had even processed them; it was as if it were instinct, this man was destroying me, but in the best way.

He didn’t respond with words; his only response was the low moan into my mouth as his lips claimed my damp ones instantly. The rain beat down against our flesh whilst his hand tangled around my sodden hair. “You’re fucking killing me, Ana.” His tongue delved into my mouth as his feet led mine back towards the car, not stopping until my back collided with the passenger’s door.

Lorenzo palmed my breast over my soaking wet dress. This man gave no fucks about others, he didn’t care if he put on a show to the whole damn world, but I did.

“You can’t claim your prize yet, not until we’ve done what I want to do.” I smiled against his lips as he groaned with disappointment.

“Fair’s fair, you’re right.” He shimmied me to the side, letting him open the car door with ease. “In you get, love.” His genuine smile stopped me in my tracks as I continued to gaze at him like a lovesick teen. “You’ve got me for a lifetime, you don’t need to stare,” he joked as he brought me crashing back down to earth, hard enough that if it were real, it would have left a mark.

“I wasn’t staring, especially when you aren’t anything special to stare at.” I smirked as I slid as gracefully as I could into the car. The thought of ruining his seats didn’t occur to me as I settled into mine.

“If that’s what you need to tell yourself.” He closed the door and rounded the car.

Once he was inside the car, he twisted in his seat as his wet clothing crunched against the leather. I slipped my heels off and pulled my legs beneath me. His eyes darted to my feet to make sure I didn’t dig my heels into his seats.

“So, where to?” He started the engine, and it roared into action immediately.
