Page 77 of Love Me Always

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“The drive-thru!” I squealed.

“Are you high?!” The look on his face was everything and more. I doubted he’d ever been to a drive-thru, he didn’t seem the type, but I was, and it was something the girls and I often did over the weekends.

“Only on life. Now, to the drive-thru!”

Lorenzo couldn't disguise his delight no matter how hard he tried; it was contagious, I had to admit, even if it killed me. He jammed his foot down and drove out of the vacant parking lot, not caring about anything other than us.

“Put the roof down!” I screamed over the soft rock that he’d turned up full blast.

“I don’t think so. You’ll fuck up my car!” He rolled his eyes. so hard I feared he'd lost them someplace in the back of his head.

"Oh, please!” I scoffed. “I'll pay to get your car repaired, if necessary, justso you can live a little and quit being such a damn robot."

“I’ll show you what a fucking robot I am.” He cast a glance in my direction, the image of him wet from head to toe already burned into my retinas.

The roof suddenly retracted, the rain whipped against my skin as we sped along the silent roads, and for the first time in a long time I felt free, as if I were someone else, someone I once desired to be. I flung my hands up over my head and danced in my seat to whatever music Lorenzo'ssound system was now blasting. I could tell he was a little uptight about his car but the fact he went along with my crazy idea made my heart soar and my mouth smile without even realising.

We pulled into my favourite drive-thru not far from the bowling alley. I directed Lorenzo to one my grandfather and I came to plenty of times without telling Papa, then after he passed away, Miles would bring me occasionally. As we pulled up the window, I placed our order, two of everything on the food menu and two milkshakes, much to Lorenzo’s disgust.

“That was nice of you to get food for the guys too.” He smiled as he settled in the soaking wet seat.

“Oh, shit! Drive back around!” I cried as his finger darted up to his ear.


“Fine, you wait here, I’ll be back!” I jumped out of the car before he had a chance to mutter a single word.

Once I had picked up the other order, I hurried back outside to the car which Lorenzo had parked right outside the entrance. He raised his brows as I placed the food on the floor behind my seat which squelched as I sat back down.

“Ready?” he asked with an amused look on his face.

“Once you put the roof up, yes.”

“Wait, why? You wanted it down before. Why the sudden change?” He revved the engine.

“I don’t want the food to get wet.”

“So, it’s all right for my car to get fucked but not the food?” He was taken aback but not once did he show any signs of anger or upset.

“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.” I kissed his cheek hastily which he clearly wasn’t expecting. It was written all over his face that he’d never experienced small gestures such as this before, and honestly, I wasn’t usually a fan of giving them.

The roof closed as quick as it opened as I clung to the warm bags of food. I kept my eyes firmly on Lorenzo as he drove. There was something about this man driving that caused my stomach to clench with desire.

* * *

Lorenzo threw me on his back as I wrapped my legs around his waist and bundled the food in his arms before he kicked the door open to the kitchen. Four pairs of eyes instantly fell upon our laughing selves, three of men I knew and one of them I’d never seen before.

“Welcome home, cousin,” the dark-haired guy drawled. He shared a few similarities to Lorenzo but only his skin tone and raven locks, everything else stopped there.

“Nicolo, is there a reason you’re here?” Lorenzo snapped, which I didn’t expect. I then realised my legs remained clung around Lorenzo’s waist. I slid down his back until my toes touched the cool kitchen floor. I had discarded my heels in the car. It was quite the effort trying to wriggle free from his hold though.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to this little lady?”Little lady?

“This is my fiancée, Anastacia.” There was a slight reluctancy within Lorenzo’s voice. It was obvious he was pissed off and angry at his cousin about something. “Anastacia, this is my cousin, Nicolo.”

“Nice to meet you, Ana.” His voice unnerved me a little, but I let it slide.

“Her name is Anastacia, or did you not hear the fucking words that just came out my mouth?!” His vein bulged at his temple as if any second, he would blow.
