Page 78 of Love Me Always

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“Lorenzo, it’s fine. It appears you have some catching up to do. I’ll take the food upstairs.” I smiled, unsure of what else to say in that exact moment.

“I’ll join you.” His words followed mine quickly, and I knew he didn’t want to be there.

“It’s okay. I’ll see you soon.” I grabbed the two bags and the milkshakes and headed towards the lobby. “Oh, guys?” I called without turning around.

“Yeah, Ana?” Red asked.

“That bag on the counter is for you all.” I didn’t wait for a response. I had already made my way up the staircase, and my legs led me towards Lorenzo’s room rather than my own on instinct.

Red had wolfeddown one of the burgers Ana had brought him and had now begun his second. Nicolo stood opposite me with a double scotch, his drink of choice. He eyed the state of me, but I couldn’t give a fuck what I looked like, I enjoyed my evening with Ana, and I would not let this arsehole put a dampener on it more than the rain had.

“So, why are you here?” I was aware I came across abrupt, but my patience wore thin the moment I saw him standing in my house.

We were always close growing up, his mother was my mother’s sister, my aunt. She passed away just over a year ago. He never knew his father, never questioned his mother about him. It was pointless. I tried to be there for Nicolo, but he pushed the remaining family he had away. I messaged, I called, I even visited when I had the time, but he threw my support back in my face. He was adamant I had everything good in my life handed to me, but I knew that wasn’t true. Yes, my father will hand the Sicilian Mafia to me, but I’ve had to work hard to get it. He even had the audacity to say it should have been my mother rather than his and that is something I couldn’t get over, not yet anyway, and now, he stood in my kitchen, swigging my booze, chit chatting with my men as though the past year never happened.

“I’m here to see my favourite cousin.”Bullshit.

“I’m your only cousin, so it’s a moot point.” I eyed the guys as they lowered themselves into the chairs at the table by the window. They clearly enjoyed the food over this shit show of entertainment.

“I came to congratulate you on your engagement and upcoming nuptials.” He knocked the rest of scotch back before he returned the tumbler to the side.

“A simple card would have sufficed.” I scoffed.

“It wouldn’t have been enough to say how sorry I am for the shit I said.” There was something genuine about his voice, but he was like me… hard to read.

“I don’t want to discuss this tonight. Are you around tomorrow?”

“About that, I actually have nowhere to stay tonight. I didn’t want to wake your parents with my arrival.” He hinted at an invite to stay the night, and I was reluctant to give him it.

“There is a spare room down here, you can crash there tonight.” I walked towards the lobby. I needed to finish my evening with Ana and take whatever she owed me.

“Thanks, man, I appreciate it.” He smiled as Red tossed him a burger too. How many of those things did she get? The paper bag was never ending. “You not staying for a drink?”

“Not tonight, I have other plans.” I turned back towards the exit and hoped I would make it out without another word, but that was wishful thinking.

“Looks like that fiancée of yours is making you a little soft.” Those were the final words I heard from my cousin before I cut off his air supply in a flash.

“Let me make one thing very clear. I’ve not gone soft for anyone, and I never will. You’ll do well to remember that as well as my fiancée’s name.” He gasped for air, but I only tightened my hold. “The last person to pass a comment about Anastacia wound up with a bullet in his skull.” I shoved him against the wall as he clutched his throat. My men remained seated since they knew better than to interfere.

I stalked up the stairs while Nicolo coughed and spluttered. I calmed down a little as I reached Ana’s room. There was nothing but silence from behind her bedroom door which seemed odd since she couldn’t be anywhere else, could she?

I didn’t even bother to check whether she was inside or not; I had a slight hunch where she might be and as soon as I opened my bedroom door, my suspicions had been confirmed. There she was, sitting cross-legged on the bed in one of my t-shirts that looked like a dress on her slender frame, her hair neatly tied into two braids that trailed down her back. She had food spread out on my fresh white sheets around her and had some romantic comedy blaring on my TV.

“Don’t you look comfortable.” I smirked as she looked up at me with surprised eyes.

“Sorry, your TV is a little bigger than mine and—” She racked her brain for any excuse possible, and seeing her flustered was something I quite enjoyed.

“I don’t care. You don’t need to explain why you’re in here. Once we’re married, this room will be just as much yours as it is mine.” I discarded my damp shirt that still clung to my frame.

“What if I don’t want that?” I knew she was fucking with me; it was written all over her face.

“The fact you think you have a choice is admirable.” I pulled on some grey sweats from the walk-in closet and settled beside Anastacia. “So, come on then, where’s my food? I want to see if it’s as good as you claimed.” I took the burger she handed to me and peeled off the paper.

As I took my first bite, I felt her doe eyes on me. I knew she was peeking at me through those never-ending lashes, the same ones that fanned her cheeks as she slept.

“Well…” she questioned as she fed herself one of her curly fries.

“I hate to admit it, but you’re right.” I took another bite as she clapped her hands gleefully.
