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Where was she?

Oh yeah.

Searching for inspiration, Carolina had practically jumped for joy when her old college buddy, and the brand new head of the archeology department, Kimberley Scott, had contacted her about this dig. It was an area of study that always held great interest for Carolina.


Ooh, even the name gave her chills. She’d already done a twelve-part series of sculptures based on Greek myths, and after getting Kim’s message, she’d decided Egypt was the perfect setting for her next project.

Two months later, she was glad, but more than ready to leave the foreign land. Sometimes a girl just needed a Big Mac and a milkshake.

Carolina brushed her long, dark hair out of her face and huffed out a breath.

“The heat might be brutal, Kim, but look at where we are! You did all this! Congrats, my friend, you deserve it,” she exclaimed, hugging her impulsively.

“What are you talking about? We are in a dusty cave with three-thousand-year-old dead things, Caro,” the blonde woman retorted.

“I thought you loved this stuff?” Carolina teased.

“Oh, I love it alright, and I would love it more if the Pharaohs would’ve installed central air when they had these pyramids built,” she snarked, zipping her own bag closed. “Okay, that’s a wrap. I’ll see ya outside?”

“Yeah, just another second, I want to make sure I have all my things with me. Especially, my sketches and stuff. I am going to ship everything from the hotel before I leave tomorrow,” Carolina told her, checking her pockets and stacks of books.

“Nice. Did it help you forget about roadkill boy at all? I mean, it’s been fun, hasn’t it?”

Kim’s sparkling green eyes held so much concern, Caro nearly teared up, she squeezed her friend’s hand and nodded.

“Yes, it has been wonderful. Thank you so much, Kim. It was just what I needed.”

Carolina hugged her bestie one more time before turning back to pack up her things. She was always a little disorganized—okay,fine, she was messy—but so what?

It was her stuff, and she liked it this way. Caro was only grateful there was no Joffrey standing by to judge her.

“I am going to miss Egypt,” she whispered, picking up her box of charcoals and making sure the thing was closed.

What a place. Words could hardly describe her fascination with the dig site. Caro had been taken by the atmosphere from the second she landed with the beautiful desert skies, the scent of spices that permeated the air, and even the hotel.

She’d been able to afford a bit of an upgrade from the rest of the dig team on her own dime, of course. And it had been worth it.

Her ex had been more than stingy about vacations. Joffrey never wanted to leave his work long enough to go anywhere, and when they had, it was always the cheapest rooms and airfare available.

Carolina was the complete opposite. She loved to travel. Now that she was divorced, she did not have anyone or anything holding her back. There was no need for any more of that negativity in her life.

Joffrey’s cruelty and neglect had almost destroyed whatever confidence and self-esteem she’d ever had. So much so, it was not until Kimberly pointed it out that Caro had even realized how much she had changed.

No wonder she couldn’t create. What kind of artist could when facing the constant condescension and overwhelming judgment of the one person who was supposed to love and support her?

“Well, I hope you are satisfied, Carolina. This marriage is over.”

That had been Joffrey’s parting shot, and as she sat in an underground room in Giza, Caro grinned broadly. She was not satisfied yet, but she was damn close, and it all started with leaving him.

“Good riddance,” she whispered, and felt her soul sparkle for the first time in years.


Taking a moment to truly say goodbye, Carolina stood in the center of the room and spun slowly. Breathing deeply and slowly, she took in everything around her one last time.
