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This space, where Carolina had been working with some of Kim’s students for weeks now, seemed creepier now that she was alone. All the worthwhile artifacts had either been taken to labs or were tagged for removal.

Caro had to admit the subject of the remaining objects, carvings mostly, was very interesting. Rare hieroglyphics from theBook of the Dead, as well as a few paintings and a half a dozen stone shelves containing sacred jars and a small puzzle box of sorts, remained.

They were all carrying the same unusual symbol. One that made her blush wildly whenever she spied it. Biting her lip, she could only wonder what had inspired that particular symbol on so many artifacts.

Exceedingly fragile, and thoroughly fascinating, Carolina could not understand why the people in charge had not taken those items yet. If it were up to her, someone would get their ass handed to them for their carelessness.

Didn’t matter though, she was leaving. The rest of this stuff was being packed off to the university’s archeology department. As for the carvings on the walls, Carolina had done a few rubbings, and had carefully catalogued and photographed them for her own records.

She had a contact who specialized in ancient languages, and he said he’d have a translation by the end of the week. He had recognized one hieroglyph in particular, the one that made her blush and was repeated on most of those items she was currently committing to memory. It was the symbol for a creature believed to be a Demon.


She mulled the name over in her mind, one eyebrow raised as she thought what he would have been like if real. Carolina was a sucker for myths. Her contact had given her one more snippet of info on the legendary Demon.

One of Ancient Egypt’s most reclusive Osirian soldiers, Medjed, was believed to be a guard, an elite warrior, who would smite Osiris’ enemies, and anyone seeking to enter the realm of the dead falsely.

There was not a lot of information about him online, regardless of how interesting the story was . These artifacts could very well tell his tale for the first time in thousands of years.

Eeek! So exciting.

Impatience was sort of her middle name, but it had waited, buried here for who knew how many centuries, and Caro supposed it could wait another week.


“Hmm, that’s odd,” she murmured as she moved to exit the room and spied one of the aged stone tablets just sitting on the floor.

Certain Kim had packed that same ancient tome just a few hours earlier inside one of the wooden crates marked with the university’s logo and shipping information on it, she crept forward.

The tablet was about the size and thickness of a five subject notebook. Right away, Caro recognized one spell from theBook of the Deadetched along the perimeter.

“You again,” she mused, tsking at the hieroglyph that seemed to follow her.

Such prominent eyes and feet, and the telltale conical body that symbolized Medjed seemed to stand out among the other less noteworthy markings.

Okay, fine, while alone, Caro could admit here,by herself, that the Demon’s glyph was one of her favorites because, well, it resembled a giant phallus.

True, she was intrigued there was so very little known about him. But mainly it was because she got a chuckle every single time, she looked at the massive dildo-like icon that represented the guy.

“There, stay in that box,” she murmured, tucking the tablet back inside the crate and tossing some straw on top.

She didn’t notice the indent in the piece of stone that she’d innocently brushed against when she’d lifted the thing. She also did not hear the tiny rumble that had been growing steadily.

Carolina hummed as she took her final turn around the site, gathering her belongings in her canvas shoulder bag. This was the end of her self-healing journey, and it was time to go back to the real world. The boring one without myths and legends.


“Bye-bye dust and grime, heat and sweat, bad translations, and enormous bugs, I’ll miss you,” she called out to no one in particular and laughed at her own fanciful thoughts.

Caro placed her cap on her head before she headed out into the strong afternoon sun. Thank goodness she’d brought it. The Giza sun was unforgiving to those who doubted its strength. No wonder the ancients had worshiped it as a god.

Carolina turned to leave, already planning a series of sculptures to commemorate her time there, when suddenly the room trembled and shake. Fear had her gasping and sweat broke out along her forehead.

What was happening? She squeaked as she slid on the shaking cobblestones and almost hit the ground, but managed to catch herself before she did. A deep, low rumble began.

It was a deep, dark, stretching sort of noise, pushing the limits of her human hearing. Sort of like a dark, gravelly, and too fucking loud to be a real yawn, only intensified as if the very cavern itself was just waking up.

“What the hell is that?” Carolina whimpered and slipped.
