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“Of course,” he replied. “Did you want company?”

“Well, I have to, um, use the facilities,” she began.

He could feel her retreat like a slap to the face. Jasper nodded and tried to keep his face neutral. It was ridiculous to feel all butt hurt, but he couldn’t help it. He was all in now. Carolina had just become first in his life, and he wanted to be with her all the time. Wanted her to love him too, even if that made him a selfish asshole.

Patience, his beast pushed the word into his mind, all but demanding he tread carefully with his beloved maiden fair.

“No problem, baby. I’ll use the one in the hall so you can have some privacy.”

“Alright,” she agreed, and he didn’t miss the look of relief that flitted across her face.

Pulling the sheet with her, she wrapped it around her body, covering her even more from his eyes as she stood to walk to the bathroom. Jasper growled softly. He liked her naked, wanted to keep her that way. But it wasn’t practical, and normals were not as comfortable with nudity as Shifters. He just had to remember that and go slow.

Jasper waited until she shut the door, then he got out of bed and walked into the hall. He stilled, a warning flashing inside his brain. Instincts on high alert, he walked slowly, sniffing as if to gauge the change in atmosphere.

Jasper hissed angrily, something had invaded their space while they were occupied. The sound of Carolina taking her shower reached his ears, and he listened deeper to find she was humming, and therefore safe.

Good. That was good. He followed the scent of cinnamon, still painting the air inside the cabin and did not bother to dress. He was going to kill the fucker if he was still there.

He ran down the stairs and looked around, sensing the entity had already gone, but the sonovabitch had left his calling card.


Jasper’s growl rolled through him until he was full on roaring in anger. He hadn’t even realized it until a naked and wet Carolina ran right into his back.

“What is it?” she squeaked, and all his protective instincts went on alert.

He spun around, catching her around the waist and pulling her into his arms. That was all he needed to stop himself from going totally apeshit crazy. The feel of his mate, soft and warm from her shower and clinging to him for safety. Whatever weirdness she’d felt upstairs, she was obviously not afraid of him. Or repulsed.

Thank God.

“Someone was here,” he growled, and that was when she turned her head around.

“Oh my,” she murmured, her heart pounding against his.

Dozens of bouquets of roses in every color, from the deepest red to the purest white, lined the room. Along with it were enormous gold boxes of chocolate, the expensive kind, he recognized the brand. Bottles of champagne sat in buckets of ice, and a golden scroll was lying on a pedestal in the center of it all amid handfuls of colorful rose petals strewn about—that was going to be a bitch to clean.

“Whoa,” she mumbled, covering her mouth with her hands. “Someone is really late for Valentine’s Day. Or really early.”

His eyes flew to hers. She didn’t exactly look pissed. Hell, was she impressed? Well, fuck that.

He set her down and walked forward, picking up the scroll. His entire chest vibrated with anger. It was only as the scent of her fear and trepidation reached him that he realized he was snarling.

Could anyone blame him? This stalker fuck had left her some sort of note with his signature at the bottom—his hieroglyph, or whatever.

“He’s really serious, isn’t he?” Carolina asked, and her voice went very small.

Jasper hated she was afraid, and that he had failed in protecting her. He turned and took her hand.

“I won’t let him get to you, Carolina. I swear. I will do everything I can to protect you.”

“Why? Why would you risk yourself for me? I mean, it’s obvious he is powerful—”

“So am I,” Jasper growled.

“I know, but if he is so determined—”

“Caro, do you want him?” Jasper asked, holding his breath while he waited for her to answer.
