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“What? How could you even ask that after what we just did? I don’t go from one man to the next, you arrogant, stupid, idiotic—”

But Jasper didn’t wait for her to finish screaming at him, he just plastered his mouth to hers, drinking in her kiss and sighing with relief that she was not into the psycho ancient stalker who was still dogging her.

“I know, I’m sorry. Beast got a little jealous,” he whispered, kissing her mouth once more.

“Oh, yeah? I, um, never had anyone get jealous of me before. So, is it just your beast or the man too, hotshot?” she asked, grinning at him, and making him feel ten feet tall.

“It’s all of me, baby. I don’t enjoy thinking you want someone else,” he confessed. She stared at him, and he could tell she was struggling with words. Wanting her comfortable, he grabbed the scroll and pointed to thejerkwad’ssignature.

“These Ancient Egyptian Demons sure are strange, Caro. Is that a dildo on the bottom or not?” Jasper asked, hoping to make her laugh. She did—-thank fuck—-and his beast relaxed an inch.


Carolina peeked at the scroll and snorted right on him. Her face pressed against his skin while she giggled, leaving a damp trail. He wanted to laugh too, but he was a little miffed—okay, he was fucking jealous. Again.

Still, watching her chuckle made his heart kind of melt. His mate was definitely a cutie.



It’s a holly jolly Christmas for me.

Carolina hummed the carol in the shower before all hell broke loose. Why wouldn’t she?

Jasper Wessex had fucked her stupid.

Her body was still deliciously sore, and Carolina had been on cloud nine when she heard his snarling roar. She’d raced downstairs in her towel, and soon found out what had her hunky protector so pissed.

The living room had been stuffed chock full of Valentine’s Day gifts from hell—literally.

Tender bits still throbbing with delicious little aches, and sore spots from where Jas had loved on her so damn thoroughly, she was almost embarrassed as she snorted ungracefully at his dildo joke all over him.

She’d never done that before—not snorted—that,unfortunately, she’d done frequently. It was a sinus thing, and no she could not help it,fuck you very much.

Carolina had never had multi-orgasmic sex in a mountain cabin with a man who could change into a Wyvern. That was definitely a first.


She’d given him her body without thought to her own self-preservation, rushing in headfirst and doing every wonderfully naughty thing she wanted to since she’d first seen his gorgeous ass.

Yes, it really was gorgeous. Every inch of him was. And she was a sculptor, she knew the human form. Had studied it extensively, and Jasper Wessex was unlike anyone else on the planet. He was a veritable heavenly body. The kind that inspired poets-—andartists.

She’d already decided to sculpt him in his Wyvern form, but she would do a study of his human one as well. Even if only from memory. Fuck, leaving was going to hurt like hell, wasn’t it? There was no hope for it, she was already half in love with the man.

Carolina swallowed hard as she admitted that little secret to herself. He was cataloguing the stuff in the living room, perfect ass covered now by a pair of dangerously low hanging jeans.

His damp hair was brushed back carelessly with his fingers, and he was wearing a tight cotton t-shirt that showed every muscled line of him. If she stared any longer, she was going to burn a hole through the fabric.


She’d also changed into leggings and an oversized shirt, with big fluffy socks on her feet. His abs flexed as he bent over, and she damn near swooned as his biceps and triceps bulged when he hoisted the heavy pedestal and placed it in the corner.

Yep. No doubt about it. Carolina was going to leave here heartbroken over her sexy as hell bodyguard. No one to blame but herself, she’d known it could only ever be a fling. Why would a guy like that want her for keeps? It was ludicrous. She could not even hold Joffrey, and that man was a worm.

Shaking her head to clear those nasty thoughts, Carolina went back to the task at hand. Jasper had insisted on bagging the flowers, chocolates, and other presents the Demon had left for her while she’d photographed the scroll, and sent it to Kim, her archeologist friend so she might better interpret the little love note Medjed had left for her.

“So,” Jasper began, his husky voice sent little zips of excitement down her spine and to other parts of her. “Did your friend get back to you about what the hieroglyphs meant?”
