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“Uh, let me check,” Carolina tucked her feet underneath her legs and checked her messages.

She cleared her throat and opened the email from Kim, snorting at her friend’s raunchy humor. She looked at Jasper, then at the screen, trying to ignore his furrowing eyebrows. He looked adorable when he scrunched his face up like that. The man was just ridiculously handsome.

“Let me see,” he stepped closer to her, and read the missive over her shoulder.

Dear Caro,

Looks like you’re definitely being stalked by the ancient sex god or Demon. Seriously, from what I found about Medjed, he is packing in all the right places. Maybe you should just give in? (Insert dildo emoji here!)

Anyway, your admirer seems to really be digging your ‘milky breasts’ and ‘swan-like neck’, and he would like to ‘fill your womb with his seed so that you may bear many sons’ to share in the wealth of his admiration for you.

Then he gets a little dark with wanting to cover the world in his name and have you beside him to reign over the filth—which I assume he means us, you know, humans.

Anyway, aside from that, he seems kinda hot. Look, I don’t know where you picked this guy up, but when you’re done with him, give him my number! I have milky breasts too, even if yours are bigger.



The rumbly sound of Jasper’s growl sent Carolina’s insides to shivering, only not with fear. More like lust. Hell, the man was melting her ovaries with that sexy sound. She stole a glance, and yikes, Jasper looked pissed as hell.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Mine,” he growled, and vaulted over the couch till he was hovering over her, caging her in.

He’d moved so fast she almost tipped over, not that he would have let that happen.Mr. Angry-Pantswas gentle and careful with her, and she trusted him implicitly. His rough hands took hold of her face and his golden eyes glowed as he settled himself in the cradle of her body—and fuck, did that make her wet and willing!

Jasper sealed his mouth over hers in a kiss that was both dominating and a major turn on. She’d never gone in for the whole macho man type guy, but maybe she’d been wrong about that.

Jasper Wessex knew every button to push when it came to getting her hot and ready. When the kiss ended, they were both a little breathless, and she was trembling.

Sexy gorgeous man.

“Uh, is there anything to eat?” she asked, just to stop herself from begging him to fuck her again. A girl had her pride.

Will it keep you warm at night?

Neither will he when he leaves.

While she was waging this silent battle inside her head, Jasper stood up with her still wrapped in his arms.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” he murmured, kissing her slowly once more. “You must be starving. Come on, I’ll make us something,” he said, and was hustling her out to the kitchen before she could even think of a response.

Carolina watched in surprise as he moved about the kitchen. She already knew he could cook, but it was the way he acted with as much confidence as he seemed to handle every aspect of his life that had her staring.

That and the fact he hadn’t made fun of her for being hungry. Her ex had always had a comment when she’d said things like she was hungry or starving. His favorite thing to say was that she could not eat for a week, and he would still not believe she could starve with that body of hers.


But not Jasper. He seemed to want her—chub and all. He winked while he pulled out ingredients and her hunger grew. If she’d been worried she’d fall in love with him because of his kisses, she’d been wrong.

His kisses were amazing, but it was that wicked, sexy smile of his, the one that reached his gorgeous eyes, that sent her heart to pounding. Also, the fact he didn’t seem to mind cooking and cleaning was a huge bonus.

“How do you like your meat?” he asked, and seasoned two thick steaks with coarsely ground salt and pepper.

“Uh, medium rare,” she said, forcing her brain out of the gutter.

“Perfect,” he said.
