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“Stop, woman! Your noise rattles my skull,” shouted Medjed, covering his ears.

Jasper had to admit, Caro sure could shriek. Dayum, she was loud. But she sure was cute coming to his rescue with a Louisville slugger held high in her hands.

“Will you two just stop it,” she growled. “What do you think you are doing? It’s Christmas!”

“Christmas?” Medjed asked, cocking his head to the side as he studied her.

“Yes. It’s a time of peace and goodwill. You can’t just beat the shit out of each other over a person, by the way, who has the right and freedom to pick for herself if she wants to date a guy!”

“Carolina, let me handle this,” Jasper grunted, bleeding from a gash on his eye. He moved in front of her.

“No, I will have my say, dammit,” she demanded.

“My bride wishes to speak,” Medjed said, and glowered at Jasper before turning his almond gaze on Carolina.

“Alright, look, you want me to be your bride because I freed you, but why me? I mean, you’re free now. You don’t love me. You aren’t bound to me. You can have anyone.”

“Yes, I can. But you are young and beautiful,ibib. I have chosen to bless you in this way,” Medjed replied.

He stood and, thankfully, pulled down his skirt, which had ridden up when he and Jasper had fought. Fucking guy really was hung, Jasper admitted to himself.

He growled while the Demon smiled seductively and approached Carolina. Fuck, he hated to admit it, but he was kind of a good looking guy.


“Ibib, you are strong and lovely. You will make me a good mate. Together, we will rule over this land. I will see to your every desire, beloved one. And you shall give me many sons. You will want for nothing,” he purred.

Fucking hell. Didn’t that just make Jasper want to punch his smooth-talking face until it caved in? Yes, it did.


Carolina exhaled. Medjed was really well-spoken, and it was flattering to hear him say such things about her. Everything he’d told her was pretty darn nice.

She felt her cheeks heat up while he rained compliments on her, but they didn’t do anything for her. She didn’t feel that awareness that sparked in the pit of her stomach every time Jasper was near. Or that pang of attraction, the constant burning desire she felt for her Wyvern protector.

And there’s the whole being in love with him thing, her inner voice added.

Caro froze. Shit. She was in love with him. Panicked eyes went from Medjed to Jasper and back again. First things first, she needed to clear this up with the Demon. She couldn’t go on hiding this way.

What good had it done? He still found her. The Demon had gone from Egypt to upstate New York in the blink of an eye.

“What are mates? Like a married couple?” she asked the Demon.

“So much more, little one. A fated mate is the one person in the universe made specifically for you alone. For my kind, and other supernaturals, a mate is the person you love and want among all others.”

“Wouldn’t a mate reciprocate those feelings?” she asked.

“Yes,” he nodded slowly, a frown on his handsome, bronzed face.

“I’m flattered, Medjed, really I am. But if that is true, then you know I am not your mate.”


“Nope. I don’t feel that way about you. And I know you don’t feel that way about me. Besides there are other things wrong with your proposal.”

“Like what?” he looked offended, and she laughed briefly.

“First of all, you can’t reign over the world. It’s not yours. It belongs to every single being on this planet.”
