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“No buts, pal, that is just the honest truth. Second, now that we know you don’t love me, and I don’t love you, don’t you suppose it’s better to just be friends? I mean, we both deserve love. Don’t you think so?” Carolina asked him, but she was speaking to Jasper, too.

Christ, it cut her to admit, but it was the truth. She deserved a man who truly loved her. Maybe now that she understood she was worthy of love, she wouldn’t be so afraid of it.

The thing was, she would never settle for less again. Jasper didn’t love her. He was a Shifter. If she was his mate, he would’ve said. No, she couldn’t do this to herself again. She had to move on.

“You are wise, little one, I am saddened that you are not for me. Perhaps thislizard breathis your mate, then?”

She saw Jasper move to answer, but Carolina didn’t want any hasty promises. Not after the sex induced bubble of lust they were both still living in. No. She deserved more than that, and so did he.

One thing she’d learned about Jasper Wessex was that he was honorable. Too honorable. If he declared his intentions now, he would talk himself into honoring them till death do they part. That would break Carolina’s heart more than anything.

“No. We just met. He’s my bodyguard.”

Carolina said quickly, cutting off the Demon who simply looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

“Caro?” Jasper called after her, but she moved out of reach.

“Medjed, people are coming. People who can help you acclimate to the times. I hope you will stay and meet with them.”

“Thank you. I think I will do that,ibi-, I mean Ms. Moore,” he bowed.

“Carolina, we need to talk,” Jasper tried again.

“No actually, I need to shower again, and pack, excuse me, please.”

She said, turning to go before he saw her heart breaking. Carolina hid her tears as she raced up the stairs to her bedroom, all the while a silly little girl’s plea repeated in her brain.

Love me. Please love me.


The sound of tires crunching up the driveway reached her ears a couple of hours later. She’d stayed in her room, listening as Medjed and Jasper fixed the mess downstairs.

She’d heard the men speaking, but could not make out their words. And she’d closed her ears to his soft knocks. She couldn’t do this. It hurt too much.

Finally, the cavalry had arrived and the second Jennifer’s voice sounded, Carolina exited the room and ran to her friend.

“Caro?” she asked, face scrunched up in confusion.

She could feel Jasper’s heavy stare, and it sat heavily on her heart. Of course he wanted to talk, but what could he say?

Sorry, you’re not my mate? Thanks for the sex.


Even her imagination had given up on her. Stunned as tears poured down her cheeks, she felt Jennifer’s arms wrap around her and only then noticed another male in the room.

“I’ll, uh, wait in the car—”

“Carolina, I need to speak to you. Please, give me a moment?” Jasper stepped forward, but she did not think she could bear it. She looked at Jennifer for help, but her friend seemed strange.

“Um, actually, Carolina,” Jennifer said, looking at Jasper. Something passed between the two Shifters that Carolina could only imagine, and to her shock, Jennifer stepped back.

“I think you need to stay here and talk to Jasper. Are you Mr. Medjed?”

“Just Medjed, fair one,” the Demon replied and bowed.
