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“Uh, I see. Well, Medjed, would you step outside with me? This is Heliodore Wessex, Jasper’s brother. We’d like to chat with you.”

Jennifer retreated outdoors with the two men, leaving Carolina alone. With him.

Shit shit shit.

“Uh, look, I’m sorry. I know I have been emotional,” she began. “But you could’ve taken off while I was getting ready—”

She cleared her throat.

“I’m your bodyguard,” he whispered.


She hated how her heart squeezed inside her chest. It was the truth. He was her bodyguard. She was a fool for thinking it was more.

“Am I only that to you, Carolina?”

“That’s not fair,” she said, emotions running through her at a mile a second. “You can’t just stand there being, you know,you, and ask me that.”

“Do you care about me?” he asked again.

She saw that damn smirk on his face, The panty-melting one. Only now, it made her mad as hell.

“Really? Why the hell would it matter to you? You’re just going to move on to the next case. To the next damsel and swoop in with your big stupid Dragon—”


“And your smug grin, and sexy body, and kissable lips—”

“You think I’m sexy?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

“What? Fuck. No, um, I wasnotcomplimenting you!”

“I have been waiting to tell you something, baby,” he said, stalking her across the room.

“We don’t have anything to talk about. I’m a big girl. We had sex. That’s it—”

Please don’t touch me.

He had her backed up against the wall, but even as she thought the words, her body betrayed her. Shivering with need, her panties grew wet, nipples hardened, and her pulse raced.

This was so bad. Carolina knew if he reached out with his big strong hands, she would throw herself at him, and beg him to keep her.

No! She couldn’t let herself do that. Sidestepping him, she turned last minute, wiping her eyes. Caro plastered a false smile on her face and pretended to not feel as he watched her with his luminous honey-colored stare.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked, “Why are you pretending we don’t mean anything to one another?”

“Jasper, come on. We got caught up in the moment—” She shrugged, trying to make it light, but she was failing miserably. “I mean two healthy, relatively young people, alone in the mountains, so we did what anyone would do, we had sex. But that is all it was. Just sex. Now, it’s time to go.”

“That is not true, and you know it, Caro,” he growled.

He was pissed again. Anger seemed to come from him in waves. She closed her eyes against it and pretended a laugh she didn’t feel.

“Okay, fine, so maybe it was really good sex, but I heard what Medjed said about mates.”

“So? Does it scare you?” he asked and looked horrified by the suggestion.

“Honestly?” she continued. “Yes. I mean, this has been great. I really like being with you, but what do I do when you meet this mate of yours? Do I just fade away when that happens? I’m human, Jasper. I can’t turn my feelings on and off. It’s not fair of you to ask me to do that, dammit!” She yelled, crying hard now.
