Page 54 of The End of Me

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“You know what I learned today?”I ask when Gabe answers the phone.

“Hmm, there’s frustration in your voice.” He sighs. “I’m definitely bringing some calming beads along when I visit you—maybe I should overnight them. But please, share your wise knowledge with me.”

“Sometimes, when one sets themselves up for failure, we fail.”

He laughs. “I’m not an English major, but I’m one hundred percent sure that what you said makes no fucking sense and is grammatically incorrect. Did you try to fail but instead, you succeeded? Why are you throwing cookie fortunes around?”

“Life is too fucking unfair,” I answer, instead of acknowledging his logic or that he calls my quotes cookie fortunes.

If I wanted someone to mock me, I would’ve called my younger brothers. Kip, Keith, and Greyson are pretty good at that. It’s like a sport to them, and they win gold medals all the time.

“We’ve established life fucks with you all around, but I’ll play this game. What did life do to you now?”

“Ugh, I found the perfect guy—”

“Ooh, you already have a Tinder profile up?”

He’s not taking me seriously. “No, I’m talking about the job I posted searching for a physical therapist who also had a speech or occupational therapy degree.”

“Let me guess, you want them to also dance during their break?”

“Maybe I should’ve added that,”I say, wondering if Dr. Farrow would quit if I did.

He sounded like a capable guy, but… Mom is right. I’m just sabotaging myself.

“Piper, you have to stop doing—” he scoffs. “What are you even doing? You set up goals, then move timelines and just destroy everything that could be wonderful because of guilt. You believe that it’s not fair to do it without Archer.”

“That’s not—”

“Please don’t bullshit me. I know better than many.”

I groan. “Well, that’s not the only thing that worked out. Someone leased the apartment next door. I…”

“You finally rented it?” He claps. “That’s fucking unbelievable.”

“Uh-huh. Someone decided the view was worth the price.”

He scoffs. “You’ll probably find a way to cancel the contract. Old Gabe would suggest releasing mice on the rooftop and then letting them invade your apartment building. Knowing the liabilities, I won’t say anything.”

“You’re a mad genius. And our parents thought I was the evil one of our group.”

“Dad never believed it. He knew it was either Jude or me.”

“Really? He never shared that with mine or Seth’s parents. It would’ve saved me from doing extra chores a few times.”

“He said it would teach you and Seth a lesson. You followed us like brainless sheep.”

“I doubt Uncle Jacob said that, but we didn’t follow you. We just agreed that your plans were… fun.”

“In any case, how will you stop them from moving in next door?”

“I can’t. They have already moved. One second I have Dad’s assistant saying, ‘We leased it,’ and the next, they’re already in the apartment.”

“You should knock on the door and introduce yourself—or you can always call your dad’s assistant and ask for a copy of the contract to learn about your new tenants.”

“That’d make me too friendly or creepy.”

“I adore you, but you’re weird. What’s wrong with leasing that apartment? Now, you don’t want to meet your tenant, but let’s not forget that you know everyone in that building.” He tsks. “My dear cousin, you certainly need an intervention.”

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