Page 42 of Rialta

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“There is nothing to explain. I’m free to make any decision I want.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “I will support your decisions, but you’re still my wife. If I’m going to give you up, then you need to explain to me why. You need to explain everything to me.”

“I owe you nothing.”

I huff, grabbing her wrist and yanking her to me until her body is flush against mine—face to face.

“You owe me everything, my wife. You have no reason to hate me anymore. I didn’t kill your baby daddy. And I’ll let you choose who you spend the rest of your life with—whether it be me, Kit, Andrea, or some other bastard. But you owe me an explanation. What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

“Why?” She grinds her teeth together as she spits back at me.

“Why? Maybe because I’ve saved you numerous times. Maybe because I’m your husband. Maybe because I married you to save our mutual friends. Maybe because I fucking love you, that’s why!”

Her upper lip raises in a snarl as I grip her biceps holding her to me. “Fine. You want to know the truth? The truth is I want Kit safe. I love him. And the only way he has a chance at being safe is if I stay away from him.”

I take a deep breath, prepared for all the sassy snark she’s about to throw my way. Her justifications will flow now, and I’m ready to dispute every single one of them.

“I want this baby safe, and Kit would want the same. The only person who can keep this baby safe is Andrea.”

My chest hollows like she just stabbed me in the heart. Her jaw clenches—she knows that comment stung deep.

“So let me get this straight. You love Kit? You think Andrea can protect you? And you hate me?”

“Seems to sum everything up.”

“You still hate me? Even though I didn’t kill Kit?”


I lower my head, my lips dropping lower and lower toward hers. I watch her carefully—studying her every reaction and trying to find the truth she refuses to speak out loud.

She tries to remain frozen, unfazed. She tries to keep her impenetrable shield up. But her tongue slips between her lips, unconsciously wetting them as I lower mine toward her.

“Liar,” I breathe hot fiery breath onto her lips.

Her eyes narrow in on my lips, revealing more of her true feelings.

“You may love Kit. You may choose Andrea as your protector. But you want me.”

She swallows hard, trying to push down her feelings.

I lick my lips, mimicking her movements from before, and her eyes light up at the realization of what she gave away.

She frowns, biting down on her bottom lip. “I’m a woman, and I’m attracted to a lot of men. I fucked Hayes, for goodness sake! It doesn’t mean I want him.”

“No, you don’t want him. You want me.”

She tries to pull away, to deny her true feelings, but I grab her wrists in one hand and pull them up in front of us.

“Let me go,” she pants.

“No, not until you admit the truth. Not until you tell me what you’re up to.”

“It doesn’t matter if I want you or not. Lust has no place in my decisions. Maybe I’ll fuck you one more time before I go back to Andrea, but even if you give me the best damn orgasm of my life, it won’t change anything.”

“Won’t it?” I flash a sexy grin.

She rolls her eyes at me, and they narrow into vicious slits. “No, it won’t. Because you still can’t protect me and this baby.”

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