Page 72 of Rialta

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I frown. That plan won’t work, but Andrea nods and cautiously walks out of the church a free man.

I’m up next.

“Kneel,” Kit says to me.

I do.

“I’m not going to ask you to surrender. I’m not going to ask if you want a chance to live—I already know how Rialta feels about you. She hates you and blames you for her situation. You’d kill me and our child the first chance you get.”

I don’t respond.

I know how this is going to end, and I’ve accepted it.

I started this mission for love, and so it shall end with love.

I never thought I’d fall in love with Rialta Corsi. I never thought I could love again after Iris. If I’d asked the younger version of myself if I could survive two great loves in my life, I’d answer no. But loving Rialta, even if she never expressed that love back, has been worth everything. And dying to make sure she gets to live happily married is the only way I can imagine leaving this earth.

“Let me. I want to be the one to kill Lennox,” Rialta says with a vicious glare at me.

“No, I have to be the one to kill him. It’s the only way Vincent will take me seriously,” Kit says.

I keep my gaze on Rialta, ignoring Kit. I’ll either die while looking at her or…

Rialta’s hand dives into the front of her dress, pulling something out at the same time Kit pulls the trigger.

It all happened so fast that I’m not sure what happened. Was I shot? I don’t feel anything, but sometimes it takes a minute for the pain to register.

After quickly examining my body and finding nothing, I finally look at Kit. His face is ghost-white, and his eyes are bulging wide as he groans.

Rialta pushes him to his knees, and blood rushes down his throat from the knife she’s thrust into it.

Kit and I are both kneeling, both in awe of her for very different reasons.

Rialta yanks the knife out of his throat, and I wince. She grips the knife in her hand as she walks to his front, staring him down as his blood drips onto her wedding dress.

She grabs his chin and tilts it up, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

“I thought you were my friend. My first crush. The love of my life. I would have done anything for you. I would have run away with you and given up the family that just came back into my life.” She shakes her head, and tears stream down her face.

“But I was a fool. You were never any of those things. You were a plant—your gang, the Crimson Cartel, placed you in my life the second they found me. Instead of killing me, like you did the rest of my family, you decided the better route was to make me fall in love with you. Marrying me and becoming Vincent’s heir would give you the best opportunity to destroy us from within.”

Kit glares at her as he opens his mouth to speak, but blood pours out his mouth instead.

She flashes a wicked smirk. “You don’t get to speak, not anymore. You’re The Abyss. Your father was first, but when he died, you took over. And you’ve taken enough from my family.”

She grabs his hair with one hand and slices the knife across his neck. Blood sprays onto her dress before he collapses. A second later, he’s gone.

I’m still kneeling as I stare up at Rialta Corsi—a woman who has lived up to the family name. She has become a Corsi in every way that matters. I’ve never seen her stronger or more beautiful than right now.

My eyes are filled with awe as she turns and faces me.

I could face the same fate as him. She could stab that knife into my chest as easily as she did him. She could kill us all and force her father to realize she doesn’t need a man by her side—that she alone can be his heir.

She has a choice. My heart thumps wildly in my chest because I know which choice I want her to make. Stepping toward me, Rialta’s tongue sweeps across her lips like as if about to devour me.

“Lennox, I love you too.”

Chapter 28

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