Page 28 of Indian Lace

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Ashok scooted to the end of the bed and dug through his bag. He really needed to do some washing; he was running out of clean clothes. He’d managed to do some while Hayden was at work, not wanting him to see what he was actually laundering.

Sorting some clean underwear, not lacy, some shorts and a T-shirt, he tucked it under his arm and tried to stand. It would have been tricky at the best of times, but with only one functioning leg, it was nigh on impossible.

He fell to the floor with a bump, knocking the bag off the bed in the process. Thankfully, his ankle hadn’t taken a knock, but his arse was sore where he’d fallen. Hayden rushed into the room, panic on his face.

“Shit, Ash. Are you OK? I just heard a thump.” He reached down, put his hands under Ashok’s arms and lifted him, settling him back on the bed. It was then Ashok noticed his clothes strewn across the floor. Lace and all!

Bollocks! There was no way to miss it, and he closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable derision that would follow. When he heard nothing, he slowly opened them to see Hayden deftly picking everything up and putting it back in his bag, folding it neatly as he did so.

“I’ve got a small bag if you want to pack some of this to take with us. With the presents and my bag, we won’t have much room for this holdall.”

“Um, yeah, that would be good. I might need to wash some things too.” Ashok couldn’t believe he’d said nothing, just carried on as if all of his secrets hadn’t been laid bare for all to see.

“Let’s get you in the shower, then we’ll sort it out. Come on. I’ll carry you.” Before Ashok could say anything, he was swept up into Hayden’s strong arms, his scent lingering on his skin.

He sucked in a breath, closing his eyes at the proximity of Hayden’s warm body, forgotten feelings threatening to break down the barriers he’d erected around his heart.

“Are you OK?” Hayden asked, his breath ghosting over his ear. Ashok shivered, goosebumps erupting over his naked skin. It was too much.

“Just get me to the shower. I stink, remember?” He laughed, trying to break the tension crackling between them.

Hayden wrinkled his nose and pulled a face. “That you do.”

Ashok was carried swiftly to the bathroom and deposited safely on the toilet seat.

“How hot do you want it?” Hayden asked, twiddling the knobs on the shower.

“I don’t mind. Not so hot it’s like Satan’s scrotum, but not cold either.” Ashok tried to stand but collapsed back down. “Just set it, and I’ll fiddle when I get in, but if you could just unstrap my ankle, I can manage the rest, thank you.”

Hayden bent down, gently unravelling the bandage. The relief Ashok felt at having the strapping removed was immediate, but then the pain set in and he hissed in a breath. Hayden looked up, scrutinising his face. His blue eyes seemed to swirl in the light, framed by impossibly long, ginger eyelashes. If only things were different. If he could allow himself to fall, it would be for him.

“Are you OK? Have you taken your painkillers?” His concern was touching.

“I’m good. It just throbs a little. It’ll ease when I’m under the shower.”

“I’ve had a thought,” said Hayden, “and say no if you don’t want to, but how will you wash your hair balanced on one foot?”

“What do you mean? Are you getting in with me? Naked?” He stared at Hayden, unsure what else to say.

“No, not naked. I’ve some shorts I can wear, and you can still wear your underwear until I’m finished, then I’ll leave you to the rest. Would that work?”

Ashok bit his lip. Would it work? He knew he should say no, but he was desperate to be clean. He nodded. “I think it could work.”

“Be right back.” Hayden left the room, leaving Ashok with his thoughts.

He stood slowly, trying not to overbalance, and took the band from his hair, releasing the long strands. It felt good, and he reached up, giving his head a rub, closing his eyes as he did so. Wearing his hair up for the best part of four days since his last shower had made his head hurt.

He groaned at the sensation.

“You OK there?” His eyes flew open, and he looked straight into Hayden’s smirking face. “Do you and your hair need a moment?”

“Just shut up, and let’s get this done.” He stood carefully, and Hayden took his arm, helping him into the shower.

They stepped under the spray. It was the perfect temperature, and Ashok sighed, relishing the sensation of the hot water sluicing down his body. Gentle fingers raked through his hair, careful not to pull, and a long-forgotten sensation coursed through his body.

“Hand me your shampoo. I can’t believe your hair is so long. I’m used to seeing it up.” Hayden sounded surprised, but he continued to run his hands through it.

“It gets in the way. Maybe I should cut it a little shorter,” Ashok mused.
