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With that, he turned and made his way back toward his house.

And, so, it was decided.

The site would continue.

With a lot of truth.

And a healthy dose of fiction.

Donovan - 6 weeks

It was a bit anxiety-inducing for the both of us, to be honest.

Me, getting back on a bike after my accident.

Her, getting on a bike, period.

I’d gone the week before to check out bikes at the dealership, had sat on one to get the feel of something new.

But I hadn’t driven it.

It had been Seeley who drove it home from the dealership for me, since he was already in that part of town for… well, whatever the fuck Seeley did to maintain his contacts.

It had been a whim to ask Maeve. And, possibly, a bit of a crutch.

Somehow, her anxiety about going for a ride was easing my anxiety about it.

Funny how it worked out that way.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” I assured her. “As far as I know, none of these guys have ever been in an accident before. And the only reason I was, was because of Natalya,” I reminded her. “It’s safe.”

Especially because we were taking a ride in off hours on back roads.

No traffic.

Low speeds.

“I trust you,” she said as I reached out to check the tightness of her helmet strap.

“You ready?” I asked, reaching back to pat the seat behind me.

“No,” she admitted, exhaling hard. “But I’m going to do it anyway.”

That was her new motto lately.

She was going to let herself feel the fear, but she was going to do it anyway.

She’d done it the week before at some fancy-ass all-inclusive resort that Teddy had invited us all to for the weekend, and Triss had begged her to try out the giant, twisting slide that went into the ocean.

She’d shaken like a fucking leaf the entire climb up the ladder as I went up behind her, making sure her unsteadiness didn’t make her fall.

Then she’d lowered herself down, crossed her arms over her chest, taken a deep breath, and… well, she’d asked that I push her.

But still.

She’d done it.

And down she went, screaming the whole way. But when she’d surfaced, there’d been a giant-ass smile on her gorgeous face.

Granted, she hadn’t gone again, claiming that once was enough, but she’d also dragged me back to our little over-water villa and fucked my brains out with all that lingering adrenaline.

“Scoot in, sweetheart,” I demanded when she climbed on. “And arms around my center,” I added when I felt her thighs close around the outside of mine.

Did she almost crush my barely-healed ribs? Sure.

But I was proud of her for not backing out at the last second.

“We’ll take it slow. Don’t close your eyes, it will make it worse,” I told her, starting the bike, then easing it as slowly as I could down the driveway.

“You okay?” I called back.

“Ask me that after you actually start moving,” she said, and I took that as approval to go on and start down the road.

I’d felt her, rather than heard her, gasp, and the way her entire body tightened around me, holding on for dear life.

But slowly, over the next few minutes, she loosened up, even pulled away slightly to, I imagined, look around, really get a feel for the ride.

“Ready?” I asked, waiting for her hold to tighten before I pushed the bike a little faster.

Not fast, just the average speed limit for a back road, but it was much faster than we had been going.

We did that several times, teasing the speed faster, letting her get used to it, then slowing down.

Eventually, we’d come to a highway, that had us both stiffening a bit.

“I have to get on it,” I told her. “But I will take the first turn off.”

With that, she tightened her hold, put her trust in me, and we did it together.

“Pull over,” she all but shouted at me after I took the next turn off, driving us down a rural road, not a damn thing in sight.

If this was her limit, I totally got it.

“I can have someone come pick you up,” I offered as I cut the engine in an alcove by the trees, putting down the kickstand as she got off the bike.

“No,” she said, reaching to yank off her helmet as I rose from the bike too.

She placed it on the seat, then reached for mine.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Not yet,” she said, her hands going to the button and fly of her shorts.

Then I finally got it.

It was like the car chase. And the slide.

Adrenaline made her horny.

And me?

I was a lucky fucking man to find a woman like that.

She grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the street until we were so hidden that I couldn’t even see the bike anymore.

Then she’d yanked down her shorts and panties, and bent herself forward for me.
