Page 10 of Fierce-Jonah

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He wanted people to feel free to come in and work out without being bothered and had made that known more than once. If there was flirting going on, it was mostly mutual.

“Maybe I have been,” she said. “I didn’t know you boxed.”

“I don’t,” he said.

“Oh,” she said. “They said you were training the fighters.”

“MMA fighters,” he said.

“Jonah has a few black belts in different martial arts,” his mother said. “He had to be in everything and anything as a kid. He was the most disciplined kid I knew and then once he got bored with the competitions, he’d move onto something else.”

Her eyes looked him over again while he was sitting there and then landed on his face where he was smirking at her. She knew she’d been caught. “Wow,” she said. “Impressive.”

“I’ve been told that a time or two,” he said.

“Are you bragging, Jonah?” Cody asked, laughing.

“Hardly,” he said. “Stating a fact.”

He supposed that might have come off as bragging and had to change the subject at this point. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about his fighting days or his work. Not with everyone else around.

“I think that is great you were so active as a kid,” Megan said. “I won’t bother to tell you the things I did.”

“I’m sure I can guess,” he said.

She smiled at him. “Go ahead. Guess.”

He’d put his foot in his mouth there. “I bet you took dance. Maybe gymnastics. All those girl things. Bet your mother wanted you to be just like your sisters and a girl did that stuff.”

“Sad but true,” she said. “I also was a cheerleader in high school because it went hand in hand with dance and gymnastics, though I couldn’t do much more than a back handspring. Not even a few in a row. I think I’d hurt myself if I tried it now.”

He gulped and had a nice mental image of her in his head now. He wished she hadn’t said what she had.

Short skirt, her flipping backward and him getting a view of the little panties underneath. Shit.

“I’m going to assume you can do a split.”

She laughed. “Men and wanting to know if a woman can do a split. Yep.” She leaned in closer, giving him a stronger scent of her perfume, and then said low in her throat, “I can still do one of them.”

Yeah, she was just yanking him along and he was following like a mouse to the Pied Piper.

Their dinner came out then and he took the opportunity to eat and shut his mouth. It seemed like he was putting his size fourteen foot in it more than he should be tonight.

What had she told him before? That he was trying too hard to joke or be funny. Or maybe his mother said that to him. It didn’t matter at this point, but he was trying too hard.

After twenty minutes of him just listening and eating, not talking to anyone, he leaned closer to Megan again and said, “I’m sorry about the shaving comment. That was rude of me.”

“No, it wasn’t rude. It was funny. Awkward but funny. I can take a joke. I’d think you’d know that by now.”

“I’ve only talked to you at the party back in May and then tonight.”

“Good point. But I’ve got a decent handle on you from those encounters. I think I’m a good judge of character and would like to think you do of me.”

“Possibly,” he said, grinning.

“I guess we’ll find out more tomorrow since we’ll see each other again there.”

“I guess we will.”
