Page 16 of Fierce-Jonah

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“How do you know?” Carolyn asked. “Maybe we are just talking to people.”

“Carolyn,” Diane said. “You always get defensive when someone catches you. Just admit it. So what if it is? Maybe someone asked us for our help.”

“Jami asked you guys to help with Jonah?” Bryce asked. “You never give up or take a break.”

“Why would we?” Diane asked. “It’s too much fun. I talked to Jonah earlier with Jami standing there. He’s going to be a tough nut to crack. I know why Jami wants our help. She thinks Megan would be a good choice too.”

“You guys don’t even know Megan that well,” Sam said.

“She’s worked for us for several years,” Garrett said. “We know her well. She’s a very nice person.”

“But you don’t know her personally,” Bryce said.

“She’s friends with Raina and we know Raina. Raina and Cody are family. They’d never hang out with people not like minded as we are,” he argued.

There was laughter around the table. “If you say so, Dad,” Sam said.

He turned away from his kids. “I’m ignoring them. Megan commented on all the happy couples. I said she’d have her day too.”

“What did she say?” Diane asked.

“That sometimes you can wave a red flag in front of a bull but they don’t see it. She was looking at Jonah.”

“That’s good,” Carolyn said. “We’ve got something to work with there.”

“You guys are horrible,” Dani said.

“You don’t think so with your precious boys,” Diane told her daughter-in-law.

“That’s right. I don’t. I thank you all the time. But Jonah and Megan aren’t family. They are people you know. And you don’t even know Jonah that much. You barely know Raina’s mother.”

“I’ve talked to her enough. Trust me, this one is going to work,” Diane said.

“It is,” Carolyn said.

“Jonah has been watching Megan all night. They even danced not that long ago a second time,” Garrett said. “I think the DJ needs to slow it down a few more times. I’ll take care of that.”

“Make sure it’s more than one song,” Diane said. “We all can get on the floor with our spouses for a bit.”

“I can do that,” Garrett said, getting up and moving toward the DJ.

Now they just had to hope Megan took his advice and pulled Jonah out on the floor again.


Another Arena

“How was the honeymoon?” Megan asked Raina over a week later. “Did you see Rhianna?”

“Very funny,” Raina said. “No, not that I’m aware of. Unless she and her baby were in disguises walking around Barbados or even staying at our resort. We honestly didn’t leave much ourselves, let alone go looking for celebrity singers.”

The thought of going to Barbados on a trip would be a dream come true for Megan.

Sure, she could go on vacations with friends and had before, but in the past few years she was distancing herself from her old friends.

Most were in serious relationships and not around, or starting a new life with the man they were with, some even having babies.

Others were single like her and out at the clubs trying to find someone. Even online dating.
