Page 39 of Fierce-Jonah

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“If you want to come for a late dinner,” she offered. “But that is the only thing you’re eating.”

Her face turned bright red when she said that. She wasn’t sure why it slipped out.

He laughed and leaned in close. “You’re embarrassed. I get it. It’s not what you meant but kind of what you did. I wasn’t expecting anything else. I’d rather work you up to it more.”

Her legs stopped moving and she saw herself just hanging there, her jaw probably open too. “Now you’re teasing me.”

“Maybe,” he said. “Or maybe not. If not, no worries, but I’ll touch base later.”

“Stop over,” she said.

She finished up and then went to go take a shower. She hadn’t planned on it and didn’t have soap or shampoo, but rinsed off as best as she could and then left so she could go to the store and buy some food for dinner. Everything she had in her house was frozen or nothing that she’d want to cook for Jonah.

She was coming out of the locker room when she almost bumped into someone. “I see you decided to come back again.”

She recognized the woman as the one talking to her a week ago when she came here to seek Jonah out. “Yeah, I guess I’m more comfortable than I thought I’d be.”

She ran into the store and grabbed some ground beef. She’d make burgers. She wished she could grill here, but that was a no-no at her apartment. In a pan was good enough though. After walking around the store and deli and trying to figure out what else to buy, she ended up getting some potato salad and pasta salad. She figured he’d eat one or the other. If not, she had chips.

She remembered the beer she’d seen him drinking at the wedding and got a four pack of that too. One of the Fierce brews and she figured it was appropriate, all things considered since her bosses were the ones that pushed her to take this step.

The question was, would she let them know what was going on?

When she got back to her apartment, her phone went off with a text and she noticed it was Raina. Urgh. They hadn’t talked about what they were going to do about his sister. How could they have forgotten that?

Thankfully it was only Raina sending her a picture of something she’d made to bring to the office tomorrow. Chocolate chip cookies. If she kept eating as she’d been she was going to take full advantage of that gym membership for more than spending time with Jonah.

She sent the appropriate comment and then went about cleaning her place before Jonah showed up in three hours.

Hopefully she wouldn’t be awkward or nervous, but something told her that might not be the case.


Need To Fix That

Jonah pulled in front of the apartment building at Megan’s and parked his truck. He got out and went to the door but couldn’t get in without her opening it, so he texted her quickly and waited. He could see her running down the stairs and then opening it for him.

“You could have buzzed me on the wall,” she said.

He looked over and saw her name next to her apartment number. “Sorry. I didn’t think about that.”

“I’m on the third floor,” she said.

They climbed the half floors and he noticed there was one above her. “Is it noisy being in the middle like this?”

“Not too bad,” she said. “My neighbors are all good for the most part. This building has eight units. The laundry is the hardest thing since there is only one washer and dryer we have to share.”

“I’ve got ten units in each building of my place, but we’ve got our own washer and dryer. It’s one of the things that was a plus for me.”

“That would be wonderful,” she said.

“Shoes off?” he asked.

“Up to you,” she said. “I never wear shoes if I can avoid it.”

He’d noticed she’d slipped her flip-flops off and left them by the door. He toed his shoes off too. Why not? “I’m used to sneakers all the time but like being barefoot in the summer.”

She looked down at his feet. “You’ve got big feet.”
