Page 7 of Fierce-Jonah

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“Me neither,” Tori said. “I’m so happy for you. My first wedding that I’m in too.”

“Not mine,” Megan said. “I was in my sisters’ weddings, but being a teen it wasn’t as much fun as this is going to be. We’re going to live it up on the dance floor, right, ladies?”

They were at the church where the ceremony was going to take place and that would be followed by pictures in a park and the reception at a hotel restaurant in Durham. Tonight was the rehearsal and then dinner. If Megan had the added excitement of seeing Jonah again in her mind, she kept that part to herself.

It’d taken some time, but she got him to warm up pretty well at the Jack and Jill party at Ryder’s house. She was hoping he was still relaxed around her tonight and tomorrow and that she didn’t have to start all over again.

She’d been looking forward to seeing him. Especially in a tux. Oh my, she knew he was going to be super yummy. Anyone that looked that good in shorts and a T-shirt, dressed up, he was going to turn heads.

And he’d be on her arm for the day.

“Totally getting our groove on tomorrow,” Tori said. “I’m glad I’m in the wedding so I didn’t have to worry about finding some random guy to bring as a date so I wasn’t the loser single here.”

“You wouldn’t have been the single loser,” Megan said. “I would have been right there with you. And there are several of us at work that are single too. We’ll have a good time tomorrow.”

“We are all going to party,” Marissa said. “This old married woman included.”

“You’re not old,” she said to Ryder’s wife. Marissa had a baby just four months ago and you’d never know. She’d also had a twelve-year-old son with Ryder too. Marissa was only around thirty-four, she was guessing. Plenty young. “And we expect you out there dancing too. Those gowns we’ve got are meant for it.”

She was thrilled that Raina told them they could pick their own dresses out. Not that she had a problem with anything tight or slinky, but she wanted to have fun and couldn’t do that if she was restricted by the movement.

In the end, all three girls picked out very similar dresses. The bottoms were loose and flowing, allowing plenty of movement. It was only the tops that were different. Marissa’s was strapless, Tori’s had a sweetheart neckline with cap sleeves, and hers was a halter-top style with an open back. She felt she had some pretty toned arms and back from her years of doing yoga and Pilates.

Tonight though, they were all in dresses because after they left the church they were going to dinner downtown. Though she didn’t wear a dress often, in the summer she did enjoy putting summer dresses on, as they were more comfortable than pants half the time.

This was more than a summer dress she’d wear to work, though, rather one she could wear to a wedding if she was a guest. Cody’s parents picked a dressier restaurant for the rehearsal dinner so that meant she’d get to see the guys dressed up too. Something told her Jonah wouldn’t appreciate that, but he’d do it for his sister.

“Here comes my family,” Raina said, putting her phone down. She’d just gotten a text they were on the way. “They are always late, but I figured Trent and Jonah would show up together. One of them will be driving, the other drinking.”

“Do they do that often?” Megan asked.

“They live in the same apartment complex. My guess is Trent drove. He’s always the responsible one. He’ll have one drink if that, but Jonah might have a few more.”

“Does Jonah drink a lot?” she asked and caught Marissa and Tori looking at her. “What? Just wanted to know if he was going to get drunk and handsy tomorrow. I might not mind it as it’d be the most action I’ve gotten in a long time.”

Everyone laughed. She was joking...but not really.

“Jonah doesn’t get drunk,” Raina said, grinning. “He’d never put himself in a position like that. Being big and all, people have started crap with him.”

“Then they’re stupid,” she said. “Or blind.”

“Maybe both,” Raina said. “Either way, he’ll have a few drinks and be fine but not want to drive either.”

“Smart and responsible,” she said. “Which is why I’ll have one glass of wine with dinner and call it a night. Tomorrow, I’m thinking I might Uber to your parents’ and then home after.”

They were meeting at Raina’s parents’ house to get ready, the guys dressing at the house Cody and Raina purchased together not that long ago.

There would be two limos. One for the bride and groom and one for the wedding party. She was thrilled that she got along with Tori so well and had been spending more time with her lately too since they’d been doing wedding planning for months with Marissa and Raina’s mother.

She had to say Jami Davenport was a riot too. Hard to believe Raina was so quiet when Jami was so outgoing. It seemed to her Trent was the only one that took after their mother, the more she thought of it.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Tori said. “Maybe I’ll do the same thing and not have to worry about driving either if I want to cut loose. Something tells me this wedding is going to be wild.”

“I’m not sure about wild, ladies,” Jami said as she came over to the four girls. “Though with that many Fierces around, who is to say?”

The entire Fierce clan was at this wedding. She knew Diane and Carolyn took Cody in like family once Marissa was reunited with Ryder. They’d had a hand in the setup of Cody and Raina too. So that meant all the children, whether they worked at Fierce or not would be here.

She had to say she didn’t know every one of the Fierce family all that much other than their names or maybe having seen them once or twice in the building.
