Page 8 of Fierce-Jonah

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Megan was closest to Kara Fierce because Kara was her boss. And since Kara was married to Drake who was an engineer, she saw him in her department a lot too.

“They have been known to have a good time,” she said. When the doors opened to the church, she turned to see Jonah and Trent walk in and all but had to roll her tongue back in her mouth.

Since she’d last seen him, he now had a trim beard that made him look a little rougher than he already had. He had dark gray pants on that easily had to be tailored along with a blue shirt tucked in. No belt, he didn’t need one. No tie either, just his button-down shirt that was unbuttoned at the neck. The closer he got, she noticed faint stripes in the shirt.

“We match,” he said to her. “Almost like it was planned.”

She looked down at her blue dress with a white belt. Not the same shades of blue but close enough in a guy’s eyes, she supposed. “One might think we are a dorky couple that planned that.”

“Dorky is right,” Trent said. “Even I know it only matches if it’s the same color blue. Yours is several shades darker.”

“Talk about a dork,” he said to his brother. “It was a joke.”

“No one laughed,” Trent said.

“Jonah,” Raina said. “You didn’t shave on purpose.”

“I told him to,” Jami said. “He said if he had to dress up he wasn’t shaving.”

“I didn’t know I had to groom myself a special way for my sister’s wedding,” he said. He looked at Megan. “Were you told to shave?”

“Jonah,” Jami said, looking appalled. “That is rude. If you’re trying to be funny, you really are lacking.”

She was giggling and couldn’t help it. “Megan laughed,” he said. “She got it.”

“If you must know,” she said. “I did shave. I didn’t need to be told to do that though.”

Raina laughed this time. “You always do your own thing, Jonah. Sorry. At least the beard is trim and not shaggy like you do in the winter.”

Megan was getting this mental image of him looking like that now and almost had to fan herself.

Totally not the type of man she’d ever been on a date with. All her dates and men were boring professionals or immature men that just wanted a fun time.

She was all for fun, but not one-night-stand fun. Not even dating a few weeks and hitting the sack either unless she felt there was a chance at some kind of relationship.

She’d never admit to her parents that she wanted to be settled down too but she couldn’t seem to find the right type of guy.

Maybe she had to stop listening to them about the type she should date and go for the ones her heart was telling her to learn more about.

Like the hot specimen in front of her. She almost slapped her hand in front of her face when she thought of what her parents would think if they thought she was dating Jonah and then told herself, that might be fun to witness their reaction.

“I think it looks good,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said gruffly.

“Did you just get embarrassed because I said it looked good?” she asked quietly when the others moved away as the priest came in.

“No,” he said.

“Phew, good,” she said. “Then I can tell you that you look better like this than you did in the shorts. You might take my breath away in a tux tomorrow.”

When his jaw dropped, she winked and moved away to join the girls and figured she’d give him a chance to marinate on that bit of information for now.


Stating A Fact

They were sitting at the table waiting for their dinner to arrive. He had a beer in front of him and Megan next to him with a glass of wine.
