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“I’m not wearing anything under these pants.”

I felt him warm at the prospect of me naked for him again. He didn’t waste any time.

“That’s not very well-behaved of you,” he growled.

Before I knew it, he’d administered a shocking, if hardly severe, slap to my bottom. I yelped, feeling my butt tingle. Within seconds, I realized the sensation had aroused me beyond anything I’d felt before. I leaped up onto my knees, wrapped my arms around Jake, and kissed him hard. With other guys, I’d always felt too nervous to make a move. With Jake, it was like my whole body was controlled, provoked into wanting him so much that I took the lead. I didn’t feel nervous about showing him how much I wanted him, because of how certain he made me feel that I was wanted.

He took hold of me and threw me down onto the soft cushions of the sofa. Within a few minutes, I was practically pinned in place, while his mouth began to nip and kiss me all over. His nose lifted up the top I was wearing, and I felt that stubble, rough, and delightfully scratchy, sending signals of pleasure from my midriff, where he kissed my stomach.

Jake took me and lifted me, dropping me onto my hands and knees. I smiled to myself, sitting quietly for him, obedient and submissive. Within a few seconds, he’d removed the sweatpants and stood there above me, caressing my thighs, and the backs of my knees, making me tingle. Finally, his hand reached around and under my waist, and I felt him start to stimulate me, just the way he’d done on the plane. But now, rather than a dizzying, surprisingly high, the sensations of his hand working against me felt dark and intense. He was going to take me all the way this time.

Then, I felt his cock. Hard and erect, I felt the tip of it brush against my thigh.

I gasped. He’d undressed while he touched my pussy.

Jake was going to fuck me again.

He entered me, not slowly or gently this time, but confident, and his sureness only made me grow wet and excited for him. Drawing himself together, he began to thrust, a little faster than he normally did.

“Not so patient today, are we?” I sighed, as he had his wicked way with me.

“No,” he growled, and bent down, reaching for my hair and knotting his hand through it. I felt like every aspect of my body was controlled by him—what I did, how I moved, how I felt connected to Jake—I was his, his plaything, and he was enjoying me as much as he wanted.

The stimulation he gave me, through a combination of screwing me hard and touching me, stroking me, was too much. Finally, he delivered another slap to my ass, one which was so hard it sent my head spinning and released every bit of the tension he’d built up. Before I knew it I was coming, feeling my whole body collapse in on itself until my shoulders were tingling, my arms, every bit of me hummed and sang with desire and pleasure for delicious, gorgeous Jake Ryder, who was flooding the inside of me as I did, grunting and sighing with relief, until we’d collapsed together in a sweaty mess on the sofa, while the lights of the city twinkled outside the window.

Chapter 16


Iwokeslowly,lookingaround the room. It was 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning. Normally, by this time, I’d have gotten in a run or a workout and would already have been at my desk for an hour, probably with something for breakfast. But not right now. Right now, I didn’t really have a care in the world.

I rolled over and looked at Alicia, sleeping. The sun had been up for twenty minutes or so, but spring had come to Chicago by now, and through the window, I could see pink blossoms lining the trees on the streets. It was only forty degrees, but it was getting warmer. I was looking forward to seeing more of the city with Alicia.

Slowly, I got up and stretched. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain things to Sam, but I knew one thing.

He had to know.

First, we had to tell him about the relationship. That would soften the blow of the baby. If necessary, we might even tell a white lie about it, pretend we weren’t aware. Alicia wasn’t even out of the first trimester, so it wasn’t even normal to tell someone at this stage. At least, that was the kind of bullshit I kept telling myself as I jumped into my best friend’s shower, after spending the night with his sister.

Deep down, I knew I’d betrayed Sam’s trust. And I knew I’d betrayed Alicia’s, too. I’d told too many lies to stop, and the peace I felt at the moment was just the calm before the storm. I’d flown through plenty of storms as a pilot and knew what they were like. There’s a moment when it seems like things are going to be okay because you’ve just reached the eye of the hurricane, and stand in the middle of a swirling vortex. On all sides around you, things are going crazy, but you cling to hope that they’ll stay calm.

In reality, things were about to start unraveling.

After I’d had a shower, I woke Alicia up. “Sam’ll be back soon,” I said.

She stirred out of sleep, whining a little, and looked into my eyes. I bent down and kissed her, and she squealed.

“I like the stubble, but you’re going to need a shave pretty soon, mister.”

“Why? Where do you think I’m going to be putting my face this morning?” I growled playfully.

Alicia grinned. “I’ll tell you all about it later.”

“I wish,” I replied, “but I need to go to St. Louis today.”

Last night, before we went to bed, Tom McLaughlin had invited me and the board to a meeting in St. Louis. He’d chosen the location so the Chicago branch of the team could make it there—ostensibly a peace offering. I’d decided to drive there in the afternoon. I’d had enough of being on a plane for one week. By now I’d begun to suspect Tom was going to try and spring a buyout on me. He had his plans for how the company should be run, and I’d made it perfectly clear I didn’t agree with what he planned to use my money for.

Alicia’s face fell a little when I told her this, but she shrugged. “That’s okay,” she said. “I have work today anyway. I’m doing the redeye to Portland later. And I’ve got some stuff I need to get from downtown. Just make sure to call me later, okay?”
