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Ifeel so guilty. The ground should open up and swallow me whole right at this very moment because there’s no way I should have done what I did. I had hot sex with my husband’s dad yesterday, and it was amazing. It was incredible, mind-blowing, and utterly fantastic, and now, I can’t stop thinking about what happened.

But the truth is that even as I berate myself silently, my body wants to experience that hedonistic pleasure again. Every cell in my being vibrates with the memory of Roland’s hands and tongue all over my sweetest spots, and I feel like I’m moving in a liminal state where things are happening around me, and yet I’m not really here. It’s as if I’m in another world, still dreaming of the handsome felon, and making him come hard as he pushes his knowing tongue into my slick pussy.

A tremor of need rushes through my sweetest spot and I have to sit down on my dorm room bed. What the hell am I doing? I know what I’m doing at the moment, of course. I’m packing my stuff because Rolly and I are supposed to move into an apartment for married couples this weekend. Yet, the task leaves me empty because after making love to the father, I know I can’t go back to the son. Rolly’s just too much of a boy, and the thought of being intimate with the young man after indulging with a true alpha male makes me almost nauseous.

Of course, Rolly and I have had sex in the past, but honestly, the last time was probably the day we got married at City Hall, so it’s been two weeks since he last touched me. How many newlyweds barely make love after getting hitched? That should be a tell-tale sign in and of itself. But I don’twantto be intimate with him again because my husband couldn’t get me wet no matter how hard he tried. He attempted to finger my pussy hole and even licked my clit a bit, but again, the boy is just so inept and clueless. He was also leaving huge gobs of saliva everywhere, which turned me off. It was gross and I was a little icked-out, to be honest.

But what am I supposed to do now? Bad sex or not, Rolly is still my husband. Yet, I’m caught in a horrific bind because I’ve made love to his father now, and I can’t undo my actions. Even worse, I don’twantto undo my actions. The memory of Roland’s big hands on my curves makes me shudder with need once more as my pussy clenches involuntarily. This can’t keep going the way it is.

You know what you need to do, the voice in my head chides gently.You’re not a woman who can handle two men at once.

Yes, but I just got married!my conscience screams.How can I divorce Rolly after we just tied the knot?

It doesn’t matter, the voice comes again.You’ve already overstepped so many boundaries, so don’t make things worse, Tess. Do the right thing. You know you have to.

Tears come to my eyes as my hands go still. I take a deep, shuddering breath and squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, just trying to come to terms with the reality of my situation. After all, my conscience is right. I’ve already gone way past what would be considered “okay,” “acceptable,” or even “normal” by society, and the only thing to do is to course correct, no matter how painful it is. I don’t even care about the embarrassment anymore. So what if I had a starter marriage that lasted only a blink of the eye? It happens to lots of people these days.

Choking down a sob, I put the t-shirt I was folding down and take another deep breath. My vision is blurry because this confrontation is going to be awful, but I know there’s no choice because it needs to happen. Grabbing my purse, I spin towards the door and swing it open before stepping into the dorm hallway. Breaking Rolly’s heart is going to be utterly painful, but at this point, there’s no choice but to proceed.

With quick steps, I make my way across campus to my husband’s dorm. We live a fifteen minute walk apart from each other, and I use the time to try and calm myself down. I dash away the tears on my cheeks while avoiding eye contact with any passerby, and manage to make it to his dorm without any problems.

“Hey Tess,” the security monitor greets me with a curious look. “Are you okay?”

I manage to flash a wide smile.

“Yeah, totally. Just going up to see Rolly.”

She nods.

“Sure, no problem. I think his mom is visiting though.”

That gives me pause because my husband didn’t say anything about Dorinda swinging by. In fact, as far as I know, Dorinda’s never set foot on campus because she doesn’t like the food Loyola serves, preferring fancy-schmancy restaurants with award-winning wine cellars. As a result, Dorinda summons Rolly for the occasional lunch or dinner together, but as far as I know, has never actually visited his room.

Then again, maybe Dorinda’s helping Rolly pack. An extra pair of hands would certainly be helpful at this moment, although of course, her surprise visit comes at the absolute worst time. I take a deep breath while waiting for the elevator. My heart’s racing, but this is no time to back down. I’ll just have to scope out how the land lies before I ask Rolly for a divorce. But the situation is so confusing because he’s literally packing to move into our marital home, so should I tell him to stop? But how do I tell him to stop without broaching the issue of a divorce first?

The elevator dings, interrupting that particular train of thought, and I step into my husband’s dorm hallway. Fortunately, it appears deserted, and I let out a sigh of relief. At this point, I’ll take any small blessing that comes my way.

With quiet steps, I make my way down the hall to Rolly’s room and pause outside his door. That’s weird. There are faint moaning sounds coming from inside, and then the harsh slap of flesh on flesh. What the hell? I’m not an idiot, and I know what those sounds are. Someone’s obviously having sex inside, but who? I shake my head. Maybe Rolly’s watching porn and simply has the volume on max at the moment. Then again, my husband’s not a very sexual person, and to be honest, I’ve never known him to watch porn in the past, so this is very odd.

But then, a long, low moan penetrates through the door, and I recognize that voice. Even though the groan was wordless and incoherent, I would recognize Rolly’s sounds anywhere. After all, I’ve slept with him before, so I know when my husband’s coming hard, and it was definitely a cry of pleasure from his throat. But what the hell? Who could he possibly be with when his mom is visiting?

Hands shaking, I fish an extra key out of my pocket and gently insert it into his door before pushing the slab open. That’s when I get the shock of my life because it’s not Dorinda visiting. Instead, my husband is currently bent over an older woman, suckling at her breasts while he pounds her pussy with his hard shaft.

“Oh yeah,” she gasps, her red-nailed hands scraping down his back. “Give it to me, young stud.”

I stand there for a moment in silence, utterly shocked. After all, how the hell can Rolly be cheating on me? Not only that, but why in the world would he be cheating on me with a woman who looks to be about fifty? It’s so weird! His paramour is attractive enough, mind you. I see frosted blonde hair cut in a short “mom style,” and it’s clear that this woman works out because she has toned arms and legs, even if the skin around her joints is slightly loose. But it’s crazy because there are lines bracketing her nose and mouth, and although her eyes are closed at the moment, I can see the ravages of age on her face. It’s just something about the way her cheeks droop, and how her jowls sag. It’s nothing insane, mind you, but this is definitely someone in the fifty plus age range.

Of course, my thoughts are utterly hypocritical because I just made love to Rolly’s father, who’s got decades on me. But still! This is the strangest turnabout because it seems that my husband and I are on the same wavelength. We clearly have similar, yet divergent, tastes when it comes to bed mates. We both want older partners; we just don’t want each other.

I stand in shocked silence as Rolly grunts again, pushing hard into the older woman’s twat. They’re in standard missionary style, with her legs up in the air as the young man ejaculates one last time, groaning with the effort.

“Oh yes,” she moans with delight, pulling her knees up even higher as he collapses on her naked form. “It feels so good having you come in me hard and unprotected like this. Your semen is so raw and hot, Rolly, and I love how you fuck it so deep into me.”

That makes my jaw drop because what the hell? He’s having unprotected sex with this middle-aged MILF? But we just had sex two weeks ago, which means that … oh no, oh no. Oh god, I have to stop this.

“Auugh!” I scream, my eyes popping out of their sockets. “What are you doing?”
