Page 79 of Madd Love

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He shakes me off before I can get a proper hold. “Jackson, if you want to keep your job, take her home and keep her safe.”

Jackson grasps my elbow and holds me in place. “Sorry, Miss Love.”

“Please, Rogue. Don’t do this.” I struggle against Jackson as Rogue reaches the exit.

His shoulders tighten as he pushes open the door. Then he’s gone and the door swings back into place.

“This is what she wants,” I say through a throat that grows watery. I’m not scared of Rogue Maddox. I didn’t trust him when I left the hospital with him, but I didn’t fear him. Even when I wasn’t sure of him, I didn’t think he would hurt me. That he believes I would be swayed by Nicole’s tricks… after everything we’ve become to each other…“He’s going to give Nicole what she wants. We can’t let that happen, Jackson.”

“Let me take you home, Miss Love.” Jackson ushers me back toward the bar.

“Did you not hear me?” I dig my feet in as we enter the crowded main room. “We can’t let him go after Nicole. We have to stop him.”

“I have my orders.” He pushes through the crowd, making a path toward the front of the building and dragging me along with him.

“Jackson, please—”

“Your safety is my priority,” he says. It’s like he’s a damn robot now that he has his mission.

“Fine,” I snap at him as I lock gazes with Adira.

Adira tips his head to the side and frowns. “Where is Rogue?”

“Uh…he…received a phone call. From…Rebel. It was something about a chess match with Riot. They needed a referee. I don’t understand that game.”

“Other than whoever takes the queen wins?” Adira asks.

“Exactly. What I truly don’t understand is who controls the pawns.” I hope Adira cottons on to my sly reference to Nicole as I mouthhelp me.

“Call me in the morning? We’ll catch up,” Adira says with a nod before he glides away.

“Let’s go.” Jackson tugs me in front of him. It’s probably easier for him to be able to keep an eye on me if I take the lead.

I smooth one clammy palm down the front of my dress as my heart starts to race. I grip my clutch tighter in the other. Any second now…

“Ooh, my lovelies. I’m feeling a little Whitney tonight,” Adira’s voice rings out across the room through the microphone he’s holding. “I wanna dance with somebody.”

We’re almost at the exit. Jackson’s grip on my arm is tight enough to keep me from escaping easily. He probably feels like he has no choice but to rectify what he considers his screw up earlier this evening.

I almost feel sorry for him.

But I can’t let Rogue confront Nicole. Nicole always gets her way. Always. She’ll have prepared for this.

“You,” Adira booms like the goddess he is.

Every head swivels in our direction. Several of the queens begin to merge on us.

It must have dawned on Jackson that he’s the center of attention, because he says, “What did you do?”

“Nothing.” I shrug as Celeste barrels up to us.

“Dreamboat, don’t be shy,” Adira says as the queens surround us.

In the confusion I manage to get free of his hold. Dropping to my knees, I crawl away from the group as they move him toward the stage.

“Miss Love,” he yells. “Stay right there.”

Poor Jackson. He has no idea that the queens and I have always had a backup plan for any time I want to avoid someone like… say, Nicole or Nathaniel or… my bodyguard. Nicole would have hated being escorted to the stage too. That’s probably why Adira loved this plan so much.
