Page 10 of Controlled

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Noratu dispersed the energy then lowered his arm. “As you wish, General Turin.”

Had he meant to sound sarcastic or was she just freaked out by all of this? Tension built with each step Noratu took. She wasn’t sure what else her father could possibly say, but she suspected she wouldn’t like it.

“I am career military.” He pushed back his chair and stood up as he went on. “Despite my humble birth, I have acquired respect and acclaim because of my abilities as a controller and because I’m a damn good soldier. Negotiating a bonding contract with Noratu’s parents was a nearly miraculous accomplishment. The Skores are one of the premier families on Altor. They could have bound their son to whomever they wanted, but they chose my contract over hundreds of others.”

“Why?” He was all stern-faced, cold-eyed controller now. He was no longer trying to be personable.

“Your mother was exceptional. She was a skilled conduit, but she also had source energy. It was like having an axillary fuel tank whenever Otal was running low. It gave us a level of control and an intensity of output that no other triad had ever achieved. We had you tested at four and both gifts were already detectible. The Skore family was determined to claim the most sought-after female on the planet for their only son, so they offered the largest bride price in history.”

“I guess if I have to be sold, I’m glad I went for a high price.” She was anything but flattered by the information. The highest bride price in history was what it would cost her if she broke the bonding contract.

Rather than commenting on her snark, he continued his explanation. “Needless to say, when your bitch of a mother disappeared with you and two other conduits, I wasn’t the only one who was furious. Bonding contracts are not finalized until the conduit is fifteen, but verbal agreements are often entered into at birth. The Skores paid half of the bride price up front. Luna and Cara also had preliminary agreements with potential triads.”

“None of that is my fault,” Flora objected. “Why should I be punished for the decisions my mother made?”

His eyes narrowed and his voice dropped to a menacing growl. “The only ones who were punished for your mother’s decisions were Otal and me! You are being offered a phenomenal opportunity.”

Arguing with him was pointless, so she asked, “How were you punished?”

“Not only did your mother reject her triad, she rejected the other families. Elite Altorians do not take that sort of insult lightly. They retaliate. Otal and I failed to control our mate, so we were publicly ridiculed. We were excluded from polite society and humiliated. I no longer belonged to a power triad so I was stripped of my command. My new assignment was a routine patrol in a deserted sector of our star system. If it weren’t for the war with Torret, I would be there still.”

Flora looked up at him silently. She’d yet to hear the ultimatum, but she had no doubt it was coming.

“One of two things is about to happen. One, you honor the contract and willingly submit to your mates, thereby restoring the good name of your family.” He paused for effect. “Or two, you continue to pretend that you are human. You argue and fight, you defy your mates until they are forced to punish you. If you choose the human option, I will prosecute your grandmother to the full extent of the law and insist that the other families do also.”

She gasped. “You’re blackmailing me?”

“No, I am explaining your choices. Don’t human females like choices?”

“And if I submit, what happens to Grandma then?”

“I will drop all charges against her and encourage the other families to do the same.”

She bit back a string of vile names. What a manipulative bastard. “I understand exactly why my mother ran away.”


“Did your father answer all of your questions?” Noratu asked as they walked along the gallery leading back to Draven’s cabin.

Flora was too angry to be civil so she just nodded. Open her legs to save her grandmother or follow her convictions and send her grandmother to prison. What kind of fucked-up choice was that?

Noratu lightly touched her arm and Flora gasped, snapping her head around to look at him. Tingling heat sensitized her skin and made her nipples harden. Again. Was he doing that intentionally? “I didn’t want to leave Earth. I sure as hell don’t want to join some magic ménage à trois.”

He smiled at her, his golden eyes shimmering. “How do you know? Have you ever been part of a magic ménage à trois?”

She glanced at him, wondering how he’d known what the phrase meant. Had he simply used context or was technology involved? His English was fluent with just a faint accent. Perhaps the Altorians had a device similar to the universal translator that allowed them to… this wasn’t a television show! This was real, and it might well be her life from this point on. She shoved the details to the back of her mind and refocused on the most important issue, ensuring her grandmother’s safety.

Noratu and Draven hadn’t negotiated the bonding contract. Their parents had. Could they release her from it if she convinced them that she wouldn’t make a good mate? Noratu seemed nicer than Draven, more reasonable. “I want no part of this. My grandmother is in custody right now for kidnapping a couple of girls. I was just taken from Earth without my permission. Who will be punished for my abduction?”

They reached the door to Draven’s cabin and Noratu triggered the scanner. “You were not kidnapped. You were rescued. And you do not understand what you are refusing,” he said as they waited for Draven to let them in. “Would it not be better to take your time and make an informed decision?”

“Not if that involves having sex with two complete strangers.”

“Amazing sex is a minuscule part of what we are offering. It’s important that you understand that.”

“I understand all that I need to,” she muttered. What was taking Draven so long?

“Your energy has a unique rhythm.” Noratu searched her gaze, his expression tense and assessing. “Are all of your relatives Altorian?”
