Page 9 of Controlled

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A chill raced down her spine and something in his tone made her ask, “How did you meet my mother?”

His dark brows arched and a calculated gleam flashed through his eyes. “She was recovered during one of our raids and taken to the Citadel. I first saw her there.”

“What is the Citadel?” She knew what the word meant, but he’d said it with obvious specificity.

“Triads receive their formal training at the Citadel. It is a space station centrally located in our star system. It is a country unto itself, with its own governing body and law enforcement. Once your mates have determined that your bonding is secure, you will venture there to learn how to use your gifts.”

Her mates decided she didn’t belong on Earth. They decided they would claim her. They would decide when she was ready to be trained. Was there anything about this that she got to decide? “You’re a controller, aren’t you?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Your mannerisms remind me of Draven.” When he just stared at her silently, she lashed out, “Did my mother ever love you?”

She’d meant the question as an insult, but he seemed amused instead. “Love is not necessary to function as a triad. She was fond of Otal. With me and Autumn it was intense but often combative.”

He was trying to make her understand his point of view, but all she knew for sure was that her mother and grandmother had been completely justified in running away. “Was she allowed to choose which triad to participate in or if she wanted to participate at all?”

“You must stop thinking like a human. Humans are selfish and frivolous. You must rise above your upbringing. You have been born with an extraordinary gift. Is it wrong that we expect you to use it to save thousands, perhaps millions of lives?”

She licked her lips and gazed past him for a moment. “How do I know that any of this is true?” She dragged her gaze back to him as her anxiety started to rise. As soon as this conversation was over, he would take her back to Draven. She had no intention of giving in without a fight, so that likely meant more pain and humiliation.

“Which part of it do you doubt?” he asked. “You are on a spaceship and your grandmother told you about the triads before I did. Do you not trust her?”

How had he known what her grandmother told her? Was this cabin under surveillance? Probably. “I’ve heard about these mystical powers, but I’ve never seen any evidence that they exist.”

He said something in a language she didn’t understand. She thought she heard the name Noratu. Wasn’t that the other member of her triad?

“He will be here momentarily,” he told her without explaining who he meant.

They lapsed into silence as they waited for whomever Azar had summoned. The door slid open a few minutes later and an Altorian male walked into the cabin. He wore the same black uniform as everyone else, but his appearance was strikingly different. Where Draven’s and Azar’s skin was chalk white, this male’s skin was golden. His features were more rounded and his hair was the most fascinating combination of yellow, orange, and red. Their gazes met and locked. Flora felt surrounded by liquid gold. He was… beautiful.

“Noratu, your mate does not believe that our power exists. Would you mind giving her a small demonstration?”

Without breaking eye contact with her, Noratu ambled over to the table. “It is wonderful to finally meet you, Flora. As you heard, I am Noratu.”

She held out her hand without thinking. Did Altorians shake hands? He wrapped his long, golden fingers around hers, but didn’t shake her hand. Instead, he raised it to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. Tingling heat swirled up her arm, hardening her nipples and making her clit twitch. She snatched her hand back, disconcerted but not surprised. She’d felt a rush of awareness when Draven touched her too.

“Are you alright?” His voice was deep, yet smooth. It lacked the rumbling growl of Draven’s.

She nodded, still unnerved.

He glanced at Azar as he began the demonstration. “Altorian fire is real.” He held up his hand and the color of his fingernails darkened from gold to red, then miniature flames burst to life on the tip of each finger.

She rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen human magicians perform that trick.”

He grinned, holding his hand so his palm was flat at just below her eye level. The tiny flames floated down his fingers and joined in the palm of his hand. The joined flame became a ball that gradually grew in size and intensity.

Mesmerized by the churning sphere, she stretched out her hand. She could feel the heat on her fingertips, but part of her needed to believe it was some sort of trick. Her hand inched closer and the heat intensified.

Noratu quickly made a fist and shook his head. “Until we are bound, my flames can seriously burn you.”

“The triad must be balanced,” her father reiterated. “Without the controller, the source consumes the conduit. And without the conduit, the power cannot flow out into the world.”

When Noratu uncurled his fingers, the fireball had become shimmering energy. It fluctuated from yellow, to orange, then red, yet it no longer radiated heat. “I manifested at eight. Draven sensed his power even earlier. With your family history, we are hoping to do amazing things together.”

She looked from Noratu to Azar and back. “I don’t know what that means. What is my family history?”

“I was not quite finished with my explanation,” Azar told Noratu. “You can wait in the corridor. It will only take a moment or two.”
