Page 7 of Controlled

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And yet her mindset, the entire context for her existence had been developed on Earth. Weren’t those the things that made one human? Rather than wasting time with a nature versus nurture debate, Flora moved on. “You said there are three parts to the triad. Are you talking about equipment or people?”

“People,” Iris told her. “Each triad is made up of three people, two males and a female.”

“And what does each do?”

Iris glanced toward the door then spoke a little faster. “The source is a deep well of raw mystic energy. The conduit is the person through which that energy flows. And the controller holds it all together. Without the controller’s participation the conduit would be consumed by the source. All three parts are necessary for the triad to function.”

“What does this have to do with me?” She already had a pretty good idea. She just needed to know which label they had assigned her.

“Conduits are rare.” Iris’ voice grew hushed, as if she spoke of something forbidden. “They were believed to be extinct for several generations. In truth we were in hiding, living on the fringes of society and meticulously concealing our abilities.”

Her grandmother might be a conduit, but she couldn’t be one. She didn’t have abilities. She wasn’t extraordinary in any way. She sold cheesy souvenirs to tourists. “You are a conduit?”

Iris nodded. “The gift is passed down from mother to daughter. Conduits are always female. Sources and controllers are always male.” Iris paused, giving Flora a moment to absorb what she’d been told. “Your mother refused to allow you to be used to fight a pointless war, so she asked for my help and I gladly gave it.”

“But I have no abilities. How can I be a conduit?”

“We bound your abilities,” Iris rushed on. “We didn’t want them to manifest on Earth. Your mates will unleash your true nature. I’m sure it’s the first thing they’ll do.”

“Mymates? As in more than one?” Understanding suddenly unfurled within her, momentarily stealing her breath. “Power triads are life partners. They don’t just work together. This is a polyamorous sort of thing.” Her tone became less uncertain with each statement.

“If you choose to honor the bonding contract, Draven will be your controller. Your source’s name is Noratu Skore.”

“If all I have to do is refuse, why did you and Mom leave the planet?” There was no way it was that simple.

“Bonding contracts are secured with a bride price,” Iris admitted. “According to your father, your price was quite high. If you choose to break the contract, you will be charged the bride price.”

“Are we talking the equivalent of hundreds or thousands of dollars, and how long would I have to pay it back?”

“I don’t know the exact figure, but it would be in the millions. Noratu is elite. The Skore family is one of the richest bloodlines on Altor, and one of the most ruthless.”

“That makes no sense,” Flora cried. “Why would anyone pay the equivalent of millions of dollars to marry me? I’m no one.”

A faint beeping sounded and both women looked toward the door. Shit. Had it been ten minutes already?

Iris made a helpless gesture and blinked back tears. “I’m so sorry we failed you. I don’t know what else we could have done.”

Flora went to her grandmother and leaned down to hug her. “This isn’t your fault. You should have told us the truth, but you risked your life to protect us. It’s hard to be angry about that.”

Azar stepped into the cabin and motioned for Iris to leave. Flora could see the guard waiting in the corridor. If Iris resisted, she would be escorted at gunpoint, no doubt. Flora wanted to object, to insist that Iris be allowed to stay. But Iris silently crossed the room and the door closed behind her.

Strolling across the cabin with his hands clasped behind his back, Azar assessed her silently. “I see more of me in your appearance than your mother.” He reached out and captured a lock of her long auburn hair. “Is that true of your temperament too?”

She snatched her hair out of his light grasp. “How the hell would I know? I’ve never met you before.”

He chuckled. “That would be a yes. Flora is a crude translation of your name, but if it will make you more comfortable, I will continue to refer to you as such.”

“It is the only name I have ever known. Why the hell would I change it now?”

Accepting that with a shrug, he asked, “You just turned twenty-five, correct?”

Shouldn’t you know if you’re my father?She kept the smartass question to herself. “Yes.”

“You were born within months of your cousins, so the other two will be activating soon.”

Her brows scrunched together. What the hell was he talking about? “Raina is twenty, Aspen not quite nineteen.”

Another chuckle rumbled in his chest, though amusement didn’t reach his eyes. “Raina’s real name is Luna. Aspen’s is Cara. Nothing you were told about them is correct.” He unclasped his hands, his posture relaxing as his explanation continued. “Your mother can almost justify taking you off world, but she kidnapped your cousins. To be clear, that means their parents were not informed much less asked for permission. Luna’s father is a prosecutor and intends to try the case himself. Cara’s parents want to avoid a scandal, but they might change their minds once they see how badly she has been corrupted.”
