Page 37 of Too Hot To Touch

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We leavethe shelter and run to the store to grab supplies. I have the list of things that we’ll need for the puppies clutched in my hand as we walk into the store together. Lincoln grabs a cart by the door and we head down the aisles. We grab baby bottles and a little kiddie pool, some blankets, and a portable heater. The vet at the shelter told us what we would need and she said she would get us the formula to feed them.

We check out and head back to the shelter. Lincoln leaves to get his car so we can transport them easier. I head inside and the vet shows me how to make their food and feed them. She gives us a box to transport them in and once they’re fed, I place them inside. Lincoln comes back with the car just as I finish feeding the last puppy. He helps me carry the puppies and supplies back out to the car and we drive home.

I talk about the feeding schedule and what we’ll need to do over the next few weeks. Once they’re a month old they can start eating puppy food and we can put them up for adoption. My heart sinks at finding them new homes. I’ve already fallen in love with them, but I can’t afford one dog, let alone all eight.

We carry everything inside his house and I take the opportunity to look around.

“Did you just move in?” I blurt out.

The place is bare with only a few necessities, like a couch and TV. His place is set up in much the same way as Aspen’s and I already feel like I know my way around. Unlike Roman and Flynn’s place though, Lincoln’s feels empty.

“I just moved in two weeks ago. I need to get some stuff though so it will be pretty empty until I can find the time to go to the store and get some furniture. Maybe you can help me with that?” He asks.

“I’m not sure I’d be good at that. I don’t really have any experience with decorating.”

I think back to my old apartment and how everything inside was just stuff that we found on the streets and carried or dragged back. I wouldn’t even know where to start to furnish and decorate a place like this. Lincoln’s house is beautiful to start, I would probably just mess it up.

“I think you’d do great and I promise I would love whatever you picked out.”

I smile at him as I set the stuff down on the kitchen counter.

“Why don’t I rinse the bottles out while you set up the pool. We can put the blankets in and then the puppies can lay in that instead of that box.”

Lincoln leaves to do as I asked and I fill the sink with soap and water, washing and leaving the bottles to dry on the counter. I find Lincoln in the living room. He’s got the pool set up and the blankets spread out on the bottom. He’s opening a box of puppy pads when I walk in. I help him spread the pads out on top of the blankets before we place the puppies in.

“Should we name them?” He asks.

“I already have.” I admit, sheepishly.

He throws his head back and laughs and the sound is so deep and raspy that it causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I press my legs together to try to ease the ache as his eyes find mine again.

“Well? What are they?”

“This little guy is Mowgli, then there’s Sasha, Naia, Penny, Neal, Teddy, Mac and Quiche.” I say as I point at each small bundle of fur.

“Good names, I don’t know how you can tell some of them apart, but I like them.”

I cuddle Quiche closer to my chest for a minute before I put him in with his brothers and sisters.

“Think you’ll keep one?” He asks.

“I’d keep them all if I could but I could never afford that and I’m looking for a new place. Doubt that it will be big enough for eight dogs and me.” I admit.

“They can stay here. So can you.” He offers.

I just smile as I stare down at the sleeping puppies. I’m not sure how to respond to that comment. I would love to stay here with Lincoln and the puppies. I’d be so close to Aspen and these houses are amazing, but the real attraction is the man sitting next to me.

“Are you hungry?” He asks after a minute.

“No, not yet. It’s a little early for me to eat. Why don’t you let me take them home with me tonight and I can do the night time feedings? You can have the rest of the night to yourself.” I offer.

“No! It will be such a pain carrying them and all the supplies back and forth every day. Why don’t you just stay here? I have plenty of room.”

I can’t stay in this house with him. I’ll maul him! He’s too sweet, too attentive, and I can already feel myself falling for him. I need to protect my heart but he’s right; it will be a pain to try to move them back and forth like that every day, and multiple times a day at that.

“Looks like I’m moving in then!” I say, trying to make a joke out of it, but the way that Lincoln’s eyes flare makes me think that he is determined that it’s not just going to be a joke.
