Page 101 of The Dog in the Alley

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So what the fuck was I doing?

Almost as though he could sense my impatience, Taavi’s feet kicked a little, and he made a snuffling noise through his nose.

I immediately put my hand on his shoulder, not wanting him to try to move too much.

“Hey, bud. You’re okay.”

Another huff of breath, and I felt muscles twitch under my hand.

“You’re in the vet’s office, but it’s all over. You did really well.”

I understood, now, why people say that to people when they got out of surgery. It had always struck me as kind of weird—the people getting operated on weren’t the onesdoinganything. They were just lying there. What did they do well?

Well, they fuckinglived. Because as commonplace as a lot of surgeries are, living through them is not a thing that everybody successfully does. So it was good, when somebody’s heart kept beating, their lungs kept breathing, and all their various body parts came out of it the way they were supposed to. They did good.

Hopefully, so did the surgeon. In this case, I trusted Zhou—I especially trusted that either he or Ramirez would have said something if anything had gone spectacularly wrong.

Taavi let out a little whine.

“I’m here, bud.”

I moved my hand to his head again, gently stroking the soft skin of one giant bat ear.

Then an eye—the brown one—opened and looked at me.

“Hi.” I am such an idiot.

He chuffed at me, and I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.

“You okay?”

A whine-chuff.



“The nice vet tech lady said you might be.”

From across the room I heard a stifled chuckle, and I looked up to see Ramirez watching us.

“Okay, the vet tech lady who is now laughing at me said you might be groggy.”

That made her laugh again.

“You feeling sick, bud?”

A soft growl.

“That’s good. You hurt?”

A chuff, but a soft one.

“A little?”


Ramirez came over, then did something to his IV. “Hello, Taavi.”
