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“You are a doctor,” I pointed out.

“Historians do not count.”

“You’re an EMT.”

He sighed. “Luckily for you. Where else are you hurt?”

“Just scrapes and bruises,” I told him.

He gave me a skeptical look, and I sighed, then pulled off his shirt so he could see.

Doc let out a half-grunt, his fingers lightly skimming over scrapes and bruises, assessing, evaluating.


I turned.

He let out a growl at whatever he saw.

“Am I going to lose a kidney?” I joked.

“No, but somebody wanted you to.” It didn’t sound like he was kidding, and Taavi whined again.


“Hart, what the fuck went down out there?”

I sighed. “A full-scale riot.”

“Shit,” Ward said from the doorway. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah,” I answered, wincing again as Doc’s fingers probed a sore spot.

“You do realize someone tried to stab you a couple times here, right?”

“What? No. I’d—”

“Kevlar vest?”

“Yeah, but—Ow!” He’d just poked a spot that was particularly tender.

“That’s one stab mark. There are two more that look the same, and then you have this drag-scratch under where I’m assuming the vest ended.”

I went still and had no idea what to say to that.

I mean. I know there are a lot of people who don’t exactly like me, but it’s one thing to know people think you’re a dick, and quite another to know that someone had actively tried to kill you. Specifically, somebody had tried to do to me what had been done to Paul Schmidt.

It’s chilling to think about being that kind of statistic.

I twitched as Doc’s fingers traced over and around my injuries, tingles running along my skin as he worked healing magic to augment the more conventional EMT-style care. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

“It’s not too bad,” Doc said softly, “but maybe don’t take up gymnastics in the next couple days, okay?”

I nodded. “Deal.”

Still by my feet, even though I’d had to turn to let Doc look at my back, Taavi whined.

Doc’s hands were gentle as he worked, trimming gauze and cutting tape to cover the cuts and scrapes, especially the big one on my lower back. “Leave this on for a full day, okay?”
