Page 30 of Shamefully Mastered

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“Who iswe?” he asked, his own face set and almost angry. “How is your Russian so good?”

“You don’t need to know that,” I said, my voice pleading with him just to go along with me. “You… you need to send me to Belkonov and…”

Ivan looked at me as if I had lost my mind. That simple idea sparked something in my—yes, okay—half-crazed brain.

“And tell him to use me and then kill me. But we’ll…I’llkill Belkonov instead.”



“No,” the Guardsman said. For a moment I thought he had decided my ghost of a plan had so little merit he would just go ahead and kill Ivan. Wild thoughts of putting myself between the bullet and mygospodinflooded my mind.

Then the bearded man spoke again.

“We’ll disappear Belkonov, and Ivan will tell his rivals that you killed him, Heather.”

I looked from him to Ivan, starting to work out what the Guard agent meant and wondering whether Ivan would understand and, if he did, would find this beginning of a plan workable. On my master’s face I saw a moment of assessment, and then to my joy a look of appreciation, as if he had figured out in an instant exactly what must be going on.

“You’re an agent,” he said to me, his mouth quirking up into a smile at the left corner. He turned to the Guardsman. “Working for whom?”

Ivan’s eyes narrowed a little.

“Wait. I know. You’re the Pretorian Guard. You’re not supposed to exist. You’re a figment of the Western weakness for conspiracy theories.”

“That,” the agent said, “is the point of view I hope you’ll make sure continues to prevail, Mr. Antonov. All you need to know is that if you take Heather here as your trusted adviser as well as your concubine, you’ll have all the support you need in keeping your territory safe—and gradually growing it into something that can protect its citizens for the foreseeable future.”

Ivan nodded, his brow a little cloudy as his mind very clearly began to calculate all the different options and outcomes. He looked at me, and the cloud vanished: a real smile broke out in his eyes and even on his usually severe mouth.

“Is this what you want, Heather?” he asked softly.

“With all my heart,Gospodin,” I replied.

“Alright,” the Guardsman said, his voice grim. “Let’s make a plan.”

* * *

If Anatoly was surprised to see me return, still naked and bearing on my cheeks the marks of two hard slaps Ivan had given me to make things convincing, he didn’t show it.

“Belkonov’s,” Ivan told the driver shortly. Then he spoke in English.

“You get on your knees, whore, with your face on the floor and your ass in the air. You’ll learn to behave yourself with your new master. That starts with learning your place. I think I need to show Boris how to treat you if he wants to get the most pleasure from your holes before he kills you.”

My heart pounding, I pressed my cheek against the carpet of the limo’s passenger compartment, feeling against my bruised skin some of the grit left by Ivan’s shoes. They cleaned the car thoroughly every night, so the floor wasn’t filthy, but the little bit of dirt was enough to make me feel utterly degraded. Ivan added to the humiliation, too: for the rest of the ten-minute journey to Belkonov’s palace he toyed with my bottom and my pussy, his thumb and forefinger moving up and down the exposed cleft between my thighs and ass-cheeks.

The limo pulled into a portico. The door opened immediately—much faster than Anatoly could have gotten to it.

“Ivan,” I heard Belkonov’s voice boom, “what have you brought me? Look at that ass—what did you whip her with? I thought we were going to have a serious problem after this morning.”

“Eh,” my master said. “I took it out on this little slut. Then I decided to make it up to you. Let’s take her inside and I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. You have a nice little dungeon, I hear?”

“Of course, Ivan,” the horrible man said. “We’re going to have her together?”

I felt my cheeks blaze with shame. Bent over with my terribly marked bottom and my all-too-needy pussy offered to my master’s enemy, I felt like nothing but a piece of ass, literally a sexual object—valued, but only for the enjoyment to be had by thrusting hard cocks inside the most private places of my body.

“We are,” Ivan confirmed, as he started to get out of the limo. “Here, take this. It’s the device that controls the whore’s behavior. Just touch her back with it and press the button there, and give her an order.”

A gust of wind blowing through the portico swirled into the open door of the limo. I shivered violently at the feeling.
