Page 69 of Shellshock

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If anything, it gradually grew tighter.

Lucca was unnaturally, unnervingly,goodat this. His knees trembled with strain. She softened to accommodate more of him, eyes fluttering shut, her entire posture practically melting, and he slid deeper into that exquisitely warm heat. Impossibly deeper.

He lost control. He was the one on his feet, using her—yet he worried he would collapse when he exploded. He’d never done this in his life and he realized, in the hazy twilight of his thoughts, that she had.

Pumping rough and deep, that tension in his stomach sharpened before igniting. A throbbing climax crashed over him. He cried out, trembling as she swallowed compulsively, the little muscles of her throat squeezing repeatedly, turning his own strange orgasm to raw, base, animalmadness.

Then he was left breathless, panting, digging his fingers through her hair. In the stupefied privacy of his mind… he was vaguely afraid of her.

When he regained his grip on reality, he found her in a state of sunken, blissed-out heaviness. He pulled out and she gasped loudly. While she caught her breath, he slid her sweat-damp hair away from her face.

They locked eyes.

She collected herself wordlessly. Pushed up to her feet and stared at him.

And then she turned to walk away without another word, staring at the sealed corridor door in confusion until he released it.

As promised, he brought the lights back on and heard her little yelp from down the hall. And he didn’t know whether that had made things better or worse.



Lucca stood in the shower, hoping she could complete it without incident for once. The white noise of running water soothed her but didn’t quite penetrate hard enough to bring sweet relief.

She’d realized something—something they didn’t bother to warn her about back on the Aerinus.

The aliens had pheromones.

Whenever she was caught in a room with him and the air turned ethereal blue, intense arousal hit her in a gut punch and suddenly, she was willing to do anything to address the urges that had woken up.

The night before, she had been in the kitchen brewing tea when Caligher had suddenly come in for a snack. A live wire of energy had hit her. She could basically feel herself ovulating—and then she unwittingly moaned. Fuckingmoaned. Lucca had never been so mortified in her life.

Hints of friendliness showed through their stilted interactions. They took turns making food. The fact that they were on speaking terms gave her hope—hope she was afraid of. Hope that she was terrified would disappear in the end.


Caligher’s low voice came through the door, reverberating through the frame of the Selkie. Ignoring him, she worked a glob of soap through her hair. She always showered at the same time every day and he knew it. He could wait his turn.

He didn’t.

“Can I come in?” His voice was muffled but faintly audible. Before she had the chance to answer, the door whooshed open. The pressure of steam in the bathroom gave, and a chill kissed her wet skin.

“You better not be in here to take a shit,” she said.

Laughter filled the narrow room, bouncing around her. It still took her aback how physical his voice was—more physical than the mist clouding the room. She saw him through the textured glass, heart jumping at the sight.

“I brought the ship into Morwong’s garage. He’s fitting it with changes we’ll need,” he said. His tail swung slowly as he preened in front of the mirror. It was so domestic that it made her feel odd all over.

“Does Morwong know?” she asked. Her stomach started to knot with the dread of disappointing yet another person she wanted the approval of.

“That you’re human?” He paused to make a noise in his throat, small and disgruntled. “When I told him, he laughed like hell. Asshole knew from day one.” He continued preening.

Lucca groaned. “What—the—fuck.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said.”

All at once he straightened, turning in her direction. She would be a tan blur through the glass, but she felt exposed all the same.
