Page 89 of Shellshock

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He matched that rhythm but pushed it a touch harder, a touch faster. Bursts of hot sensation exploded in her stomach—making her contort beneath him.

Then she felt the bulge of his shaft—that widest part of him, fighting to enter her. Pressing his forehead to hers and baring his teeth, he gave an experimental, tight shove.

It wouldn’t go.

His attempts made her quiver. A dreadful thrill of excitement rushed through her body, but she was slightly afraid it was going to hurt. His eyes flipped open, pupils blown wide with lust. Reluctantly, he pushed himself up to stare at where they were connected, puzzling out how to fill her completely.

One little hand on his chest got his attention. “It won’t fit,” she whispered. That only brought a worrisome flare of determination to his gaze.

“It will,” he said.

His thumb slid over her, finding the sheltered hood of her clit.

“This thing is sensitive, isn’t it?” he questioned, toying with it slowly.

Slowly… lashes of heat began to trickle from his touch, into her delicate nerves. It filled her lower body with delicious, liquid tension.

Her breathing deepened.

Her body relaxed in a puddle. It was easier to feel how heavy he was on top of her, his weight stretching her open. It was easier to feel everything.

His pace never increased, but that tightness in her did, becoming a heartbeat of unbearable arousal. Her muscles clenched spastically around him as liquid slicked his entry.

Then she felt the slow, inexorable sensation of him sinking—sinking—deeper.

The stretch was just shy of agonizing. It made her eyes water. He kept up that electric stimulation until suddenly—a bright flash of heat snapped through her lower body—and he sank home with a satisfied bellow, grasping her body with outright possession.

“Oh, god, oh my god…” she gasped, clawing at him blindly.

It stunned her, but it was like nothing she’d ever felt before. So full—so astoundingly full and hot and tight. Her breath came in labored pants as their bodies sealed root to root. She felt him deep.

“There,” he murmured breathlessly, dropping a kiss by her mouth. “Now you really are my captive. Try to separate yourself from me—it’s impossible.” Dark satisfaction showed in his eyes.

He wove his fingers between hers and pinned her hands to the floor, finally free to fuck her in deep, staggering strokes. Her wildest nightmares couldn’t compare to the wicked sensations of him moving inside her.

The unforgiving scrape of his hard-plated body shifting over hers. The sweep of his breath on her face, his deep, pleasured sighs mingling with her broken cries. Sweat sheening her body, slicking her back against the floor, her inner knees, the parts where his torso flexed and glided over her stomach, again and again.

All while her core tightened to a painful, aching ball. Her mouth fell open, the lightning in the air dancing on the tip of her tongue. He swallowed her lips and devoured her moans.

Their thrusts together lost rhythm, becoming more of an urgent palpitation—a mess of limbs and force and tight, unbearable, never-ending heat. That pressure ratcheted torturously high—to the point she thought she might break.

Euphoria flooded through her in stunning waves. She heard his shout. Felt and heard his own climax hit, his thrusts becoming ragged as foreign heat spread into her.

They bled pleasure out until they both lay spent.

Fog blanketed her mind as he kissed her gently, extracting himself with care. She felt him scooping her into his arms, carrying her to their bedroom. Once he had her tucked in, she started trembling.

Her hands sought him out the moment he leaned up.

“Stay.” Her voice was small. When he looked at her, eyes guarded and uncertain, she felt the prickling chill of vulnerability. She needed warmth and security. She needed him, especially after that. She couldn’t bear the night alone. “Please. I know it’s not one of your sleep nights, but at least… until I fall asleep.”

Wordlessly, he hushed the lights and sank into the other side of the bed, the city’s glow infusing the darkness. It was almost believable that they were in a normal bed in a normal city, sleeping like a regular couple. She nuzzled into his chest, fitting her exhausted body to his. His hard exterior put off a sun-baked warmth. Before long, she felt it spreading into her, melting away her worries.

She listened to his deep heartbeat, so like hers, until her eyes could no longer stay open.


