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She liked what she saw too, but had remained business-like since leaving his suite.

But, the more she attempted to hide her attraction, the more he found himself wanting to force her to acknowledge it.

Again, not wise. As she was the wrong woman, at the wrong time, in the wrong place.

Perhaps there remained some of that invisible serving boy still inside him who would never have been good enough for a woman like her—making the desire to bed her all the more fierce.

He could have any woman he wanted now. But tonight there was only one woman he wished to have. He’d enjoyed watching her interact with the many pointless people at this reception, but it was past time to show her he could see her interest in him and that he returned it.

They only had tonight to see where this chemistry might take them, before he would have to spend the rest of the weekend looking for a wife.

‘It was lovely to meet you, Prince Kamal.’ The Queen of Zafar broke off her discussion with Kaliah to address him directly. ‘I do hope you will consider visiting us in Kildare when you are in Ireland on the trade tour,’ she added.

He nodded, surprised she knew about the tour, which he had only finalised a week ago.

‘Thank you for the invitation,’ he said, making no commitments. The need to find himself a wife had to be his first priority or there would be no tour.

Resentment at the thought of his predicament tightened his throat, as Queen Orla left them.

Princess Kaliah turned to him, her gaze probing. ‘Why didn’t you accept her invitation?’ she asked, the question abrupt and intrusive. ‘Orla and Karim are an important power couple in the region, and they also have a high profile in Europe.’

He bristled at the suggestion he could not navigate the social commitments of a king. The surge of heat, which had been tormenting him every time he looked at her, only intensified his resentment. He should not have stayed by her side all evening but should have been acquainting himself with the more suitable women here he was required to seduce.

‘And this is your business how, exactly?’ he snapped, his frustration building as her breasts pressed against the edge of her gown, and he imagined drawing the fabric aside so he could finally look his fill.

She blinked, her skin flushing. ‘Are you naturally surly, or is it just me?’ she asked, the bold question tempered by the vulnerability in her eyes.

She masked it quickly, but even so it made the heat ignite. He wanted her, and she wanted him. Why deny this attraction, when it would be simple enough to feed?

He stepped closer, touched a knuckle under her chin and felt her gratifying shudder of response. ‘It is most definitely just you, Kaliah.’

Her eyes widened, then darkened with awareness. The heat in his groin throbbed.

She didn’t say anything. He let out a rough chuckle. Was she trying to be demure?

He swept his thumb across her bottom lip, then let his hand drop. He would never pressure her physically. But he went after what he wanted. And tonight he wanted her.

‘Perhaps we could go somewhere less public to discuss it?’ he suggested.

The vivid blush on her cheeks heightened. He had been too blunt. But he was damned if he would pretend to be someone he was not—a man with finesse and fancy manners.

As he waited for her response, transparent emotions skittered across her expressive features—shock, indignation and then a vivid, vibrant curiosity. The heat in his groin swelled against the confines of his suit trousers. Why did the fact she was so transparent only make her more alluring to him?

But, just when he was convinced she would tell him to get lost, her answer came out on a throaty purr. ‘Okay.’

He threaded his fingers through hers and led her through the throng of people. As his grip tightened, he forced himself not to walk too quickly. But as they made their way through the large palace atrium and into a quieter courtyard, where a fountain surrounded by tropical blooms gave the dry desert night the sultry scent of flowers, his heartbeat accelerated.

The crowds of guests melted away as they reached the staircase to the private terrace where his suite of rooms was situated. He made himself take the steps one at a time, although the desire to lift her into his arms was all but overwhelming. Especially as the sound of her harsh breathing matched the vicious pump of his pulse.

Perhaps he should say something to put her at her ease. But he had never been a man for pointless conversation, especially now, when the desire that had been kept at bay so ruthlessly all evening was ready to burst its bounds.

He wished to make this good for both of them. And for that to happen he needed to concentrate on keeping his hunger in check before he got her naked.

So he remained silent and led her into the night.

You need to stop this madness, Liah, before it’s too late. You don’t even know this man. You’re not even sure you like him.

Even as she struggled to keep up with Kamal’s forceful strides, the hum of conversation and music fading as he led her through the dark corridors towards his suite, Liah couldn’t seem to stop the buzz of attraction sinking deep into her sex.
