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“I’ve got something for you, Kandi.” Gayle started sifting through her purse. “I was in Sugar Springs and found this material with lollipops and chocolates on them. I had to get it for you.”

“What? Oh, you are the sweetest.” Kandi smiled brightly and reached for the coffee mugs. As she did, Trace stepped out of the kitchen carrying a baking tray full of chocolate balls. He wore a pink-and-white striped apron that matched his mom’s.

Lilah grinned, thinking he looked positively adorable.

“Oh, hey.” Trace stopped in the doorway, surprised gaze swinging toward Lilah.

Kandi took hold of the carafe. “Trace was just telling me about that pig you’re looking to rehome. Daryll sounds like a hoot.” She chuckled and poured coffee into a mug. “I’ll make sure to ask around to see if anyone is interested in a pot-bellied pig. Do you want to hang a sign in my window?”

“That’d be great. Thank you. I’ll get one made up.” Lilah turned her attention back to Trace. “And what are you up to on this lovely afternoon, Mr. Cardona?”

He shrugged and bit his lip. “Mom said she needed help with a batch of truffles, so I’m her assistant this afternoon.”

“My assistant who’s paid in hugs and kisses.” Kandi blew an air-kiss to Trace as she scooted by with two steaming mugs of coffee.

Lilah breathed a laugh. She positively adored watching Trace’s interactions with his mom. They were as sweet as the candy that filled the shop.

Gayle and Kandi headed to the table near the front window, diving into a deep discussion about the quilts they were working on.

“Does the assistant need an assistant?” Lilah raised an eyebrow at Trace.

“Looks like I do.” He set the baking sheet on the prep counter next to a few utensils and bowls. “Want to help me finish off the truffles?”

Lilah joined him behind the glass counter. She grabbed an apron from the hooks on the wall and threw it on. “What flavor are you making today?”

Kandi was known for her decadent sweets: fudge, truffles, and macarons. She enjoyed creating new and unique sugar masterpieces and featured a few special treats each week.

“Actually, we’ve got two flavors here.” Trace held his hands out, palms up, toward the two baking sheets on the counter. The second sheet contained cream-colored spheres. “The cream cheese white chocolate truffles will be rolled in pistachios. The chocolate truffles will be dusted in cocoa powder, topped with toasted coconut, and drizzled in dark chocolate.”

“Oh . . . my . . . goodness.” Lilah’s mouth popped open. “How do you not weigh a thousand pounds?” She eyed Trace’s broad shoulders and trim waistline that showed no sign of the many hours he spent helping his mom make candy for the shop.

He shrugged. “I’m not sure, actually. I really do eat a lot of sweets.”

She shook her head, wishing she could eat candy all day long and not gain a pound. “Which one do you want me to do?”

“How about the pistachios?” He moved a bowl of chopped nuts close to her.

Lilah washed her hands and got to work, plucking a chilled white chocolate ball from the baking sheet. She added it to the bowl. “I’m throwing some chicken on the barbeque tonight if you’d like to eat supper with me and the kids before we work with Blaze.”

“That sounds amazing.” Trace used a sifter and started dusting cocoa powder over the chocolate truffles. “Can I bring anything?”

“No need. I’m going to pick up a few things at the market after this. Besides, I want to thank you for all your help with the horses. Your mom pays you in kisses. I can pay with chicken.” As the words came out of her mouth, Lilah realizedshewould like to thank him in kisses, too. But that was a dangerous train of thought, and she cut it off immediately as she set one pistachio-covered truffle on the baking sheet and grabbed another.

“You don’t have to thank me. I’m volunteering my time, just like Jesse and Frankie. I don’t expect anything in return.” He slid her a sidelong glance. “Though I do appreciate being fed.”

She huffed a laugh, adding another finished sweet to the sheet. “I know you do.”

Trace spooned more cocoa into his sifter. “It’s another hot day out there. I’ve got to remember to throw my suit back in my truck. Do you think the kids will want to go swimming again?”

Her heart pranced at his casual assumption that they’d spend the evening together again.

“They’d like that,” she replied.She’dlike that.Why couldn’t she just come out and tell him so?

Last night, Lilah had been swept away by the way Trace was with her kids . . . and with her. She couldn’t deny that his presence brought her instant joy and comfort. Still, she didn’t know how to open her heart again. It had been broken in a way she could never forget.

“What?” Trace asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “Did I wipe chocolate on my face?”

Lilah realized she was staring at him. “Nope.” She broke her gaze and snatched another truffle. “I was just trying to remember if I switched the laundry last night. Hate it when I forget to do that, and I have to rewash a load.”
