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“You will know when you’re ready to open your heart to another man,” Gayle started. “And I suspect you already know that you are ready. So, tell me, what’s stopping you?”

“I just . . .” Lilah’s eyes welled with hot tears. “I don’t want to forget him or our love.”

Gayle shook her head. “You won’t. Henry will always be in your heart. You loved my son with your whole soul, and he will always be with you and the kids. I can tell you that for certain.”

A tear slid down Lilah’s cheek. “I feel like I shouldn’twantto love someone else.”

Gayle nodded solemnly. “Sweetie, God didn’t put you on this earth only to give you one shot at love.” She grasped Lilah’s hands tighter. “You and Henry were very devoted to one another. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting another chance at love. God gave you ample room in your heart . . . Henry would want that too.”

Lilah swallowed, taking in her mother-in-law’s gentle expression and steady touch. Another tear escaped, and she wiped her cheek on the shoulder of her T-shirt. “Maybe I’m more scared than I let myself realize,” she admitted.

“Maybe so,” Gayle said. “But I know you are also stronger than you realize.” Gayle’s knowing gaze gave Lilah pause, and she felt some of the weight ease from her shoulders.

“Thank you,” she replied, returning Gayle’s caring grasp.

Her mother-in-law offered her a gentle smile. “Let me get you a tissue.” She rose from the table and retrieved a tissue from the bathroom. When she came back and handed it to Lilah, she said, “And I think the man you are opening your heart to is worth the heartache.”

Lilah stopped dabbing at her cheeks. Her gaze flitted to Gayle. There was no judgement in her stare. Only understanding. “You know it’s Trace?”

“I’ve known for a while now. It’s hard to miss. Just been waiting for the two of you to see it as well.” Gayle clasped Lilah on the shoulder before heading back toward the popsicle mold. “I trust your judgement and Trace’s. But for now, let’s go outside and enjoy those beautiful babies of yours.”

Lilah gave her eyes one more dab. Then she rose, tossed the tissue in the trash, and gathered up the full glasses of lemonade. “Love you, Momma.”

“Love you, sweetie.”

They shared a smile, and Lilah heaved a deep sigh of relief. Gayle’s sage advice and unwavering love had allowed Lilah to shake loose her own doubts and consider what she truly wanted. Now she could hear her own voice speaking loud and clear.

It chanted one name over and over.Trace.

Chapter Twelve

Tracehadforgottenhowrewarding training horses could be. To watch them go from wild and snorting to flexing easily through circles on a lunge line was beautifully satisfying. Blaze had come so far, and in such a short time. He was going to make a wonderful horse for someone.

“Wow, he looks great,” Jesse said from the arena fence. He was leaning against the top board, watching as Trace lunged Blaze. Jesse’s five-year old daughter Charlie sat at his feet, maneuvering two model horses through the sand.

“He’s made a lot of progress,” Trace replied, watching Blaze canter steadily around him. The saddle stirrups clunked with each stride, but the handsome red gelding focused solely on Trace, looking for his next cue. When Trace asked him to halt, Blaze eased to a stop. Gathering up the slack in the lunge line, Trace walked over to rub Blaze on the neck and chest. “Good boy.”

Blaze licked his lips and sighed, happy with the praise.

“He looks like a different horse,” Jesse said, joining Trace in the middle of the arena. “You’ve done a great job with him.”

Trace gave Blaze another pat. “I think he just needed a little direction.” Coincidentally, Blaze had given Trace a well-needed push as well—toward Lilah. It was a direction he’d been resisting for over a year. Now he wasn’t sure he could get off that path if he tried.

“Well, I’m glad you pointed him in the right direction.” Jesse tipped the brim of his baseball cap up, taking another look at Blaze. “I might not need to spend as much time training him as I thought. Actually, I might have a client that would be interested in him now. She’s retiring her barrel horse and looking for a young prospect.”

“Really?” Trace would be sad to see Blaze go, but all he wanted was for the horse to find a good home. If Jesse approved of this woman, Trace knew she’d be a good match.

“Yeah, I started her husband’s colt last year, and she’s been asking me to find her a barrel-prospect ever since. They live between here and Elm Grove. Really nice couple, and if she’s interested in Blaze, she’d have me start him anyway.”

“He’s got the speed,” Trace said. “And the fire. I think he’d be great at barrels.”

“I’ll give her a call and see if she can come and meet him.”

“I’ll let Lilah know when she gets home from Andy’s football practice,” Trace said. Lilah would be thrilled. “Actually, looks like you can tell her yourself." Trace nodded toward the driveway, where Lilah was just pulling in.

The blue sedan rolled past the arena, windows down. Both Ben and Andy waved ferociously. Trace and Jesse waved back. Charlie jumped up from her spot on the sand and flailed a model horse in greeting.

“They’re home!” the little girl yelled, bouncing around in the pink tutu she wore over leggings and a T-shirt. “Can I go play?”
