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It was amazing to watch confidence blossom in someone who visibly doubted himself and perhaps tortured himself with the knowledge of what he could have done. Isaiah leaned forward.

“It’s all about choices. Nicola and Maddox could have eliminated us anytime at sea, but they didn’t. I’m a pirate and could rule the world if I wanted to, but that’s a boring concept, and I would rather earn my keep with flair. I trust that you will make the right choice for yourself while you are on your path to self-discovery.”


“Profound, I know.”

Isaiah grinned. Moon grinned in response, that old spark coming back.

Noises interrupted their moment and had them glancing at Marko, who was yelling while simultaneously trying to control a struggling Wheeler. Then they spotted a few familiar figures.

“Damn it.” The curse was low, released before Isaiah strode over to face the group. “Fellas, what a surprise. To what do we owe the honor of House Bruno’s presence?”

Oskar stood as he often did: very still while his gray eyes quietly surveyed the situation. The man was probably looking for something to pin on them. The others lurked behind him, a contrasting group simmering with anticipation.

“We have heard reports of a break-in.”

“A break-in?”

“We have some missing items. Again. The timing is odd, too, since the last break-in we had….”

“Wasn’t our fault,” Isaiah finished but didn’t glare. “Perhaps you should check elsewhere.”

“You offered to have us search your ship the last time.”

But now there was no other ship that could have done it, and Isaiah was sensing trouble. He considered saying yes, then shook his head.


Oskar tilted his head. “No?”

“You heard me. We didn’t do it.”

“Then you wouldn’t mind us searching your ship.”

Marko growled. “You heard our captain.”

Someone hissed. “You filthy liars and thieves—”

“If there’s a break-in, I don’t think this crew did it.” The voice came from above. A second later, Maddox landed on top of the stacked boxes, then shimmied his way to the ground with such casual efficiency that Marko was left staring. The half-vampire kept his gaze on Oskar. “Oskar, why don’t you check with the other houses and see if there’s a misunderstanding?”

Gray eyes narrowed in visible dislike. “Stay out of this.”

“I don’t think so.”

“House Bruno is not your business, you half-breed.”

“Half-breed?” Isaiah scoffed. “That’s original—”

“Shut up, you—”

“Oskar,” Maddox cut in, voice purposely loud…and baffled. “Did you not hear the orders given?”

“What orders?”

“Isaiah the Great and his crew are under our protection. That means that anyone from this island harming his men will answer to the king.”

Silence descended on the dock, mostly out of stupefaction. Oskar’s impassive features shifted into disbelief, then accusation, as he grabbed Maddox’s lapels—or tried to. But Isaiah had stepped in front of the half-vampire first, his sword thrust at Oskar’s throat.

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