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“Your someone is out there. And he’ll come around when you least expect it.” Parisa rests a hand on my knee.

“After several years of not dating, I’m starting to lose hope. None of the guys I’ve gone out with this month have been the one. One guy was a blind date set up by this sweet old lady who comes into the bakery. She mentioned her grandson is around my age and single and she wasverypersistent that I meet him. I told her to have him come to the bakery, and he did. At first sight, he was attractive, well groomed. I had high hopes for the date. Everything was going great. Dinner was good. Conversation was decent. He even walked me to my door. And that was where the date imploded.” I motion my hands like a bomb exploding. At the time, I wish there was an actual bomb.

“What happened?” Liana asks before taking a sip of her drink.

I bark out a laugh thinking about it. “He kissed me on the cheek and then whispered in my ear, ‘What do you say we go inside and I turn your face into a daycare.’”

Parisa busts out laughing because she’s heard this story before. And all I can do is nod vigorously, still in disbelief at his words, especially for a first date.

Once I regain my composure, I continue, “If a girl actually falls for those words, I feel sorry for her. Or maybe they get what they deserve.”

“Are you sure you didn’t go out with Trey? That seems like something he would say,” Liana says, and another round of laughter fills the limo.

Charlie leans forward, eyes wide. “He did not say that to you!?!”

“Oh, he did.” I nod. “Obviously, I very politely declined his offer and slammed the door in his face. The worst part was when I had to face his grandma when she came into the bakery. I had to bite my tongue and not tell her that her grandson wanted to give me a facial.”

“I don’t know if grandma would know what you were talking about.” Olivia hides her giggle behind her glass.

“And I wouldn’t be the one to tell her. Plus, I couldn’t taint her view of her grandson. That would be all sorts of bad karma. Maybe my expectations are too high.” I wrap one arm around myself as my other hand holds my champagne flute inches from my lips.

“You deserve the best. Don’t let yourself think otherwise,” Tatum says as she nudges me with her elbow, breaking me from my self-loathing.

“I would like to think so, but my other date was equally as bad, if not worse. A guy took me to Bella Italia. The place with the beautiful brick arch way.”

Charlie points a finger at me. “Yes! Their chicken piccata is to die for. But it better be for forty-dollar parking.”

I nod. “I totally agree. Anyway, the conversation was flowing, but his gaze kept darting around the restaurant like he was looking for someone.”

“Oh, shit. Drug dealer?” Olivia leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees.

“I wish. That would have been less awkward. Ex-girlfriend.”

Soft gasps fill the car as everyone’s eyes go wide.

My head bobs like a bobble head, still in disbelief myself. “Turns out she’s a waitress at the restaurant, and he wanted to see if she had been cheating on him with a co-worker like he suspected. I figured this out when he saw her talking to another server and he stormed over to them. I was done after that.”

Some shake their heads as others giggle at my expense, and I can’t blame them. I want to laugh at myself too.

“This only happens to you,” Charlie says.

“I know. I can’t make this stuff up.” I bite back my laughter. “There must be a magnetic current in me that only attracts assholes and creepers. Do I have a sign that hangs above my head that says, ‘If you’re a dick, come date me.’”

“Maybe they get that confused with ‘if you have a dick’?” Charlie snickers.

“Perhaps you should find a guy for some fun versus trying to find the one?” Parisa lifts a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Easy for you to say. You’ve found your one.”

My sister fell in love with her former co-worker. They hated each other, but after a snowstorm stranded them in a motel together, they put their differences aside and banged it out. Now, they’re expecting their first child together.

“Either I’ve forgotten how to date in the past seven years, or the pool of guys is getting smaller and perhaps, even dumber.”

“I think Parisa is on to something.” Olivia tips her glass of sparkling champagne toward her. “Let loose and have a good time tonight. Scope out the guys and if you find someone who catches your attention, go for it. Also, I got you a little present.” She reaches next to her, grabs a small gift bag, and sets it in my lap.

“You didn’t have to get me anything. This night isn’t for me.” Slowly, I dig through the tissue paper.

“This night’s for all of us. Plus, I know you wouldn’t have brought this for yourself and safety and all that.” Olivia’s bright, red lips are visible through her glass of champagne.
