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My fingers wrap around a box, and I yank. Pieces of tissue paper come with it and flutter to the floor. I hold the box out in front of me. “Condoms. You got me condoms.” I stare at the box and shake my head. “And a twelve pack. How many times are you expecting me to have sex tonight?” I ask with a giggle.

“Three didn’t seem like you were trying hard enough and thirty-six seemed like overkill. Twelve was perfect. But look, they’re ribbed for her pleasure.” Olivia points to the description on the box. The entire limo falls into a fit of laughter.

I stuff the box of condoms back into the gift bag. Of course, my plan was never to hook up with anyone tonight and I didn’t come prepared. A part of me is thankful for Olivia’s thoughtfulness but the other part is nervous if it will happen. One-night stands aren’t my thing. Every person I’ve had sex with, I’ve also been in a relationship with. Is this what people do? Who makes plans to have a one-night stand with a total stranger? Olivia apparently, and she’s using my vagina to do it. Perhaps they’re right. I’m thirty-four years old and it’s time to try something new. “If that’s going to happen, we’ll need way more of these.” I hold up my empty glass.




Olivia twirls around to face the group and throws her hands in the air. “Welcome to Heaven and Hell.”

We all glance around the large loft style room in one of the most popular nightclubs in the city. Sheer white curtains drape from the ceiling and pool on the floor. Soft white lights shine up from below, giving the space an open and airy atmosphere, as if you were in heaven. A large leather sectional sits in one corner and two leather armchairs sit kitty-corner. In front of the sectional is a coffee table with candles resting on top. Places like this are not my usual style, but I will take full advantage while I’m here.

I grip the railing and peer over the edge. Below us is hell. Large video screens cover all the walls as fire dances all around. Like flickering flames, people dance in slow, hypnotic movements as red spotlights shimmer over them. It’s not even 10 p.m., and the place is wall to wall people. Based on the line outside that snakes down the block, it’s going to be wall to wall people all night.

Olivia stands next to me, looping her arm through mine. I turn toward her. “How did you score this place?”

“My dad knows a guy who knows a guy and called in some favors. He said this room is booked out for months, but made it work for me. We deserve the best of the best. Also, I have the black card so the night’s on me.” She brushes her long golden locks off her shoulder as her signature red lips stretch into a dazzling smile. All she would have to do is flirt with someone and she could get what she wants.

“I’ve heard people need to get here early if they want a chance to get in.” I glance over the railing again.

“That’s exactly why we needed to come here. What do you say we get this party started?” Olivia glances toward the private bar, drops my arm, and beelines it in that direction. The bartender pours seven glasses and a sparkling juice. “Bitches, get your asses up here. We’re toasting!”

The loud bass booms through the speakers and reverberates through the entire room and through my chest. I scan the crowd below as people dance and have fun. That’s one thing my life has been severely lacking in the past seven years. Fun.

“Hollyn! Get over here!” When I turn, Olivia’s holding up a champagne flute for me.

Releasing my grip, I push off the railing and stroll over to where everyone is seated. I grab the delicate stemware from her grasp and hold it up with the rest in a circle above us.

“Congratulations to Charlie and Parisa and all the wonderful things yet to come. And to the rest of us sad and single ladies.” A collective laugh spreads around our circle. “Here’s to our night of fun and debauchery.” We all clink our glasses together.

* * *

Several hours and even more drinks later, I’m standing next to the railing again, swaying my hips to the music thumping below. A pang of jealousy floats through me as I watch couples pair off and dance together. For years, I’ve been content with my life. I put all my time and energy into the bakery and the thought of dating never appealed to me, especially after I got burned. But with Charlie engaged and Parisa starting a family, it makes me wonder if I’m missing out.

Movement next to me catches my attention and I turn to find Parisa standing at my side. “There’s quite the selection of guys here tonight.”

I take a sip of my drink. “Oh yeah, I’m sure I’ll find a high-quality man at a dance club on a Friday night.” I point to a group of people gathered below us. “Like that guy, who may or may not have just vomited behind that pillar.”

“He doesn’t count.” She waves him off. “But also, no one said he had to be high quality. Just someone to take the edge off.” She tosses me a flirty wink. “I know the ex left an enormous dick shaped hole in your heart, or a small dick might be more accurate. But I think it’s time to stop letting him ruin your life and live it for you again. Think about it.” She rests her hand on mine and gives it a gentle squeeze before going back to the couch with the other girls.

I nibble on my bottom lip. Maybe she’s right. We’re two hours away from home, so if I do hook up with some stranger, it’s not like I’ll run into him in Harbor Highlands. I volley the idea back and forth in my head, mostly to see if a reason why I shouldn’t hook up with a random stranger appears. Still unsure with what I should do, I rejoin the group.

“Olivia, why do you keep checking your phone?” Charlie asks.

“No reason.” Olivia pulls her phone away from her face and sets it on the table in front of her.

“Oh, I know that look! That look says you’re up to something.” Charlie points her glass in Olivia’s direction.

“There may or may not be a surprise coming.” A devilish smirk forms on Olivia’s lips.

“Wait, you didn’t get a stripper, did you?” Charlie narrows her eyes at Olivia. “You did! I knew it! You’ve always wanted to throw a stripper party.”

“It’s only fitting for an engagement party.” Olivia shrugs her shoulders, but she can’t hide her sly smile.

“Typically, those are for the bachelorette party,” I say.
