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“Well, I guess we get to do this twice then,” Olivia sing-songs.

“I bet the guys didn’t get strippers.” Parisa takes a seat on the armrest of the couch next to Olivia.

“Of course they did. They’re with Trey. I’m sure they got an entire fleet of strippers.” Olivia spreads her arms wide.

“A stripper train.” Tatum pretends to pull a train horn cord. “Toot toot.”

Charlie’s fingers type away on her phone screen. A few seconds later, she peers over the edge of her phone screen. “Bennett says they didn’t get strippers.”

“This is supposed to be a classy girls' night. No talking to the guys.” Olivia flails her arms in the air. We all giggle at her overly dramatic display.

“I don’t think classy and strippers really go together,” I say.

“He’s not a stripper. He’s an exotic dancer. There’s a big difference,” Olivia deadpans.

“How? Like one slaps his dick on your face and the other doesn’t?” Liana asks.

Olivia points her glass toward her. “Yes. Exactly.” I double over from laughter along with everyone else.

“If I wanted balls in my face, I would have stayed home and had Bennett do that for free,” Charlie says.

“I bet that’s a Saturday night for you.” Olivia raises her glass to Charlie and everyone giggles.

“Ugh. That’s a visual I don’t need.” Liana fake gags.

“Speaking of the stripper. Where is he? He’s almost an hour late. I’m going to call and get my deposit back.” Olivia picks up her phone again.

“Wait.” I rise to my feet, and all the blood rushes from my head. With a slight wobble in my legs, I grip the back of the chair until I’m stable. Perhaps I should slow down on the champagne. “Let me go see if he’s here. Maybe he doesn’t know where to go.”

I turn around and walk toward the stairs. My hand glides along railing as I descend the steps that lead to the main floor. The music pumps through the speakers as scantily clad twenty-somethings mill around. I glance down, watching my step, and before I reach the bottom, a pair of black shoes meet my black peep toe pumps. My gaze slowly drifts up, and standing in front of me is a young, gorgeous man with dark hair and wearing a smile that makes my nipples pebble and my thighs clench. I give him a once over, tight jeans, black shirt that stretches over his broad shoulders and hugs his muscles, something I wish I could do right now.I shake off the thought. This must be our guy.

Glancing up, I meet his dark eyes. “Finally, you’re here.”




The entire day was shit and the final nail in the coffin…I got fired. I was half tempted to ask my foreman, or former foreman, where in the employee handbook it states an employee can’t take part in any extracurricular activities with another employee while off the clock. Granted, those activities involved his office and his daughter bouncing up and down on my cock while screaming my name. Even so, I was off the clock. But his tomato red face and protruding vein in his neck told me otherwise. Plus, my pants were still wrapped around my ankles, and I don’t think I would have gotten very far kangaroo hopping out.

Instead of scouring the internet for a new job, I’m at the club, Heaven and Hell, on a Friday night because a friend needed a wingman. Why not spend what little money I have on ten-dollar drinks that are the size of a shot glass? Sounds like what any responsible adult would do.Tomorrow I’ll start the new job search. Masonry jobs are a dime a dozen. I doubt I’ll have any issues finding a new one.

I’ve only been to this club twice. It’s a little too fancy for my liking and waiting twenty minutes for an overpriced drink is not my idea of a good time, but I’m taking one for the team. I’m crammed behind a group of girls as they giggle and flirt with the bartender, with hopes to score a free drink. My irritation increases as I get jabbed in the back with an elbow.

Finally, when I see an opportunity, I wedge myself between two people and rest my elbow on the bar. Over the next five minutes, I repeatedly attempt to flag down the bartender, but get ignored for a girl in less clothing than the last. Eventually, the bartender passes me the expensive ass whiskey sour I ordered. The glass is so small I’ll have it empty in two swallows. Shit. I should have gotten two. By the time I squeeze out of the crowd, my drink is already empty. Fuck. There is no way I’m going back into the lion’s den for another drink. Then I remember there’s another bar on the second floor. I bet I could score a drink up there and no one would be none the wiser.

I maneuver my way through the rest of the crowd until I find the stairs that lead up to the second floor. Before I can place a foot on the first step, a thick arm hits my chest, halting me in my tracks.

A big, burly man with almost black eyes bore directly into my soul as if he wants to shove his fists down my throat and rip out my heart Mortal Combat style. “Private party. Do you have a wristband?”

Of course I don’t have a wristband, but he doesn’t need to know that. “They never gave me one.”

“Can’t get up there without a wristband.” His tree trunk of an arm still blocks the stairway.

“Listen, man. I only want a drink. It’s a fucking zoo at the bar.” I hike my thumb in the direction of the now even larger crowd that’s gathered. “I promise, I’ll go up and be back so fast you won’t even know I’m gone.” Maybe I can bribe him? I reach into my pocket and pull out the first bill I grip. When I glance down, all I see is a five. Shit. I’m sure it would take ten more of these to get him to consider moving.

