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“Oh, the good old baseball cap disguise trick. No one will know it’s you.” She laughs.

“It’s better than nothing.” I tug the hat tighter on my head.

As soon as we pull into the driveway, my chest tightens while my foot bounces on the floorboard. My gaze darts from one side of the property to the other, expecting to see a familiar face, but there isn’t a person in sight. I can do this. In and out. Real quick. James Bond did this all the time. Granted, he wasn’t trying to dodge an ex-girlfriend while delivering cupcakes.

Hollyn stops the van in front of the garage and turns off the ignition. “I’ll see where they want the cupcakes, then I’ll come back and get you.”

All I can do is nod. When she’s out of the van, I slink down into the seat in case someone walks by.

A few minutes later, Hollyn returns and stands next to the passenger side door, and I roll down the window.

“They said to bring the cupcakes around back and set them on the table. They’ll take care of the rest.”


I exhale a deep breath and exit the van. We meet at the rear and I open the doors. She reaches in for two boxes of cupcakes and I do the same and we make our way to the backyard.

After I set my last stack of cupcakes on the table, I turn on my heel, but then I hear my name. I quicken my pace, ignoring the voice, but it’s too late. I hear my name again, only louder this time.

“Van? Is that you?”

I freeze. I haven’t heard that voice in over four years. To this day it still haunts my dreams. I close my eyes and slowly turn around. When I catch sight of her, it’s like I’m ripping the knives out of my back all over again.

“Oh my God, it is you! What are you doing at my gender reveal party?”

My heart pounds in my throat, still at a loss for words. This is the girl who broke my heart all those years ago. I was hoping I would never have to see her again and now I’m here delivering fucking cupcakes to her gender whatever party.

“I’m sorry to hear about your mom.”

I stare at her unblinking. I know she’s asked me a question, but I can’t seem to form any words. It’s as if I’m having an out of body experience. The entire situation plays out while I watch from the side.

She tilts her head and furrows her brow. “Van? Are you okay?”

Finally, with a shake of my head, I come to. I find my voice as I choke out a reply, “Um. Thanks.”

“But also, why are you here? If you’ve come to win me back, I’m afraid you’re way too late.” A smile plays on her lips as she rubs her growing baby bump. “I should find Joshua. You two haven’t talked in what, four years? It would be so fun to see his expression when he sees you.” Josie glances to the left and then to the right.

Fun for who? Josie? Or the ex-best friend who slept with my girlfriend and got her pregnant. Not a single moment of this situation is fun for me.

Luckily, Hollyn passes us on her way back from dropping off the last box of cupcakes and halts in her tracks. Her gaze bounces to Josie and then back to me. It takes her two point two seconds to notice my current state of distress. Without a second thought, Hollyn hooks her arm with mine, brushing her chest against my bicep.

“Van’s not here to win you back.” Her voice is sugary sweet. Hollyn continues to rub against me as Josie watches her every movement. “I can’t believe you let this one go.”

“Oh. Oh!” Josie leans in, her voice a whisper. “Are you two together?”

Hollyn beams up at me. Then turns back toward Josie. “He’s the best lover. Did he do that thing with his tongue with you? Like, oh my God. I might have an orgasm right here thinking about it.” She tilts her head back, closes her eyes, and forms a perfect O with her plump pink lips. She jerks her body somewhere in between a shiver and a convulsion, and I can’t hold back the rumble in my chest. Not a day goes by that Hollyn doesn’t surprise me. And each day, I find myself falling even more for her.

“Well, uh, we better get going before this one starts foaming at the mouth. It was good to see you.”

Bile rises in my throat as I choke out those last words because it was not good to see her. In fact, my day would have been a hell of a lot better if I didn’t see her. I grip her shoulders and turn her toward the direction of the van, then give her a slight push to move her feet.

While still in earshot, she yells over her shoulder, “What’s that Van? You want to lick my frost—”

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and cover her mouth with my hand to keep her from finishing that sentence. She giggles into my palm, and I drop my hand but keep my arm wrapped around her.

“Thanks for that.”

Her gaze drifts up to mine. “You looked like you saw a ghost.”
