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“I think I did. Ghost of girlfriends past comes back to haunt my life.” We walk in silence for a moment before I shake it off. Josie doesn’t need to occupy any more of my thoughts than she already has. “I think we should talk about that show you put on back there.”

“I can’t stand her or her sister. They think they are so much better than everyone. Also, I can’t believe she’s your ex. I can see why your mom didn’t like her.”

“Young and dumb, I guess.” I exhale a humorless laugh.

“What are you talking about? You’re still young.”

“But I’m much wiser now. More mature. I think I even saw a gray hair this morning.” I pull off the cap and run my fingers through my locks.

“You’re so full of it.” She playfully smacks my chest.

“But also, lover? And what’s this thing I do with my tongue that you love so much?”

“It’s like a triple threat. A lick, a nip, and a suck. It’s a move you should get patented. You could call it the Van Pussy Pulsator.” She flashes me a snarky smile.

I throw my head back in laughter. “Oh. Now you have jokes. I think you’ve been hanging out with me too long.”

“I enjoy hanging out with you.”

“Your company isn’t so bad.”

“Hey—” She tries to push away from me, but I grip her tighter and pull her close. She gives in, realizing it’s going to be a losing battle, and wraps her other arm around my waist. We amble in unison back to the van.

Once we reach the van, I hop into the driver’s seat as Hollyn crawls into the passenger side. Both of us buckle our seatbelts and I turn the key. The engine roars to life. I shift the lever into drive, and step on the gas with hopes of never coming back here again. Since I’m familiar with the area, I take a different route back to the bakery. Every attempt to think of anything but Josie falls flat. Everything I sacrificed. I worked my ass off to give her, give us, give our family a better life, and it was all for nothing. My pulse speeds up and my grip on the steering wheel tightens.

“Van? Van?” Her voice pulls me from my daze, and I glance toward her. “I’ve been saying your name for the past thirty seconds. What has you so distracted? And the poor steering wheel. If you squeeze it any harder, I think you’ll crack it in half.”

I loosen my grip and the color comes back to my knuckles. “Sorry. Just Josie.”

“Do—Do you still love her?”

“Hell no. What she did…hurt. I thought I was going to marry her. Start a family. Live the white picket fence dream. But then it was gone. She got to go live that life with my best friend, while I became a shell of myself.”

“I’m sorry, Van. I know all about having a dream and then having it ripped away from you.”

“I have a shitty ex. You have a shitty ex. Welcome to the shitty ex club. The price of admission…your heart.” I hold my hand out toward her and squeeze my fingers as if a beating heart rest in my hands.

She scrunches her face. “That’s so morbid.”

I drop my hand and it falls into the empty space between the two front seats. “Love is morbid. Feelings are scary. Taking chances are even scarier. That’s why I’d rather keep it fun. Then I don’t have to worry about all the messy stuff and no one gets hurt.”

“Fun is better anyway.” She pauses for a moment. “How about no more talk about exes or how they’ve wronged us? We should move on to other things, much happier things.”

Movement causes me to glance over to the passenger seat. She unbuckles her seat belt and twists to face me. The air in the cab suddenly shifts. No longer is it filled with hatred for our exes, but instead buzzes with heated electricity

She leans over, rests a hand on my jean covered thigh, her tongue runs along the shell of my ear before she whispers, “I want you in my mouth, licking you, sucking you, tasting you.”

Jesus Christ. Her words catch me by surprise, and I jerk the van to the right. Instantly, my cock goes stiff, straining against my zipper. The denim fabric doing nothing to hide my growing hard on. I’m sure there’s a zig zag imprint on my dick from pressing against the metal teeth.

Her hand dances up my thigh until she’s cupping me over the fabric. With her lips still near my ear, her teeth nip on my earlobe. Her warm breath feathers against my skin.

“My pussy is aching for you, needing to be stuffed with your big. Fat. Cock.” She continues to rub and stroke me over my jeans. “If I touch myself right now, I’d be so wet for you. Should I find out?”

She leans back in her seat, one foot resting on the seat and the other on the floorboard. She lifts the hem of her dress and slides her hand under her panties.

“Fuck. Are you trying to kill us?” My head flits between the passenger seat, where Hollyn is currently touching herself, and the boring view outside the windshield.

“There’s a park a few blocks up. Just off the main road. If you stop, you can find out for yourself how wet I am.” She exhales a throaty moan and throws her head back. “Because I’m so wet for you.”
