Page 10 of Sidelined

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“What’ll it be, Roman?” the older woman with fake red hair wrapped into a bun on top of her head asks with a hand on her hip.

“Soup beans and cornbread!” Jonah’s head pops up excitedly. The Appalachian staple food has quickly become a favorite of my West Coast boyfriend.

“Loaded french fries and some waters, please.”

She nods and walks away.

“I’m so hungry.” Jonah drops his head onto my shoulder and rubs his stomach. “Bourbon is gross. Why did you make me drink so much?” Having him touch me in public puts me on edge, but I guess it’s better than him leaning on Sarah.

“He’s awfully friendly with you,” Jared throws my way. Everyone around us, the neighboring tables included, stops and watches.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to insinuate, but tread very carefully.” I want to hit him, to split my knuckles open on his face. Maybe that will finally get through to him.

Jonah groans on my shoulder, but I don’t look at him. I’m too busy watching this fuckstain.

“Dude is lame, and you’re over here cuddling with his drunk ass. It’s not right.” Jared sits back in the booth like he’s won something. “Everyone knows y’all are living together. People might wonder, is all.”

My blood boils, and my hands itch to cause damage. I hate this fucker.

“Start wondering what?” I don’t take my eyes off him, daring him to say it.

He lifts a shoulder but says nothing.

Our server brings our food, and Jonah perks up at the savory scent of the soup beans.

“Hey, King, you going to college this fall?” Craig asks.

“Yeah, UCLA. You?” I pick up a french fry covered in cheese and bacon and pop it into my mouth, watching Jonah eat from the corner of my eye.

“You know I can’t afford all that. I’m gonna work with my dad at the auto shop.”

Conversation flows around us, Jonah getting more animated with some food in his stomach, but Jared keeps watching us. It makes my skin prickle. We’ve been hiding our relationship for months, and I will not let this fuckhead out us because he’s jealous or something.

“Me too!” Jonah says, his eyes huge. “I’m-I’m going too. To-to UCLA.” He’s so drunk I can’t help but smile. He lifts his leg closest to me and tries to hook it over mine, but I slide a hand under the table and block him. As much as I want him all fucking over me, we can’t.

“Eat your cornbread. It’ll help soak up some of that liquor,” I tell Jonah. Luckily, when he’s drinking, he’s less likely to argue with me. He likes when I take control, force sensation onto his body, and let him be free. Later, when we get home, I’ll let him fly, but I can’t here.

We get about halfway through our food when Jonah shifts in his seat. He can’t seem to stay still, and I can’t tell what his deal is.

“Do you need to piss or something?” I finally ask after the fifth time he’s moved.

“Or something.” He wags his eyebrows at me, and I clench my teeth. “Take me home.”

That was very suggestive, and everyone around us heard it because he is not quiet.

Sarah’s eyes get wide. A few of the guys look at him like they aren’t sure what they heard, and Jared snorts.

“Yeah, can’t have you puking in here. Miss Vicki would tan my hide.” I stand up, pull my wallet out, drop plenty of cash on the table to cover us, and help Jonah out of the booth.

“Do you need to piss?” I ask him quietly once he’s standing. He sways a bit and nods his head.

“You gonna hold it for him too?” Jared asks as I walk away.

Don’t punch him. Don’t punch him. Don’t punch him.

Jonah stumbles his way into the empty bathroom. He turns on me, crashing his lips to mine in a hot, demanding kiss. His body is pressed against me, hands tangled in my hair. As much as I want to let this continue, I don’t know how long it’ll be before someone comes in and catches us.

“Hey, hey, hey.” I pull my mouth from his tempting one. “Wait till we get home, and I’ll wear you out.”
