Page 128 of Sidelined

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He went about switching the cameras to see how many cops had come and how many were on our payroll, when the sight of curls caught my eye.

My heart sped up, and before I could school my reactions, I was taking the computer mouse away from Armando.

“That’s the judge's kid, isn’t it?” Cristian perked up. His bloodlust had someone in sight. My hand went to his shoulder and pushed him back down.

“I’ll deal with this,” I said without looking at either of them. Although I could feel Armando’s gaze on me, he didn’t have to tell me this was a bad fucking idea because I already knew that.

Before anyone could question me, I walked out of the door and made my way down to the lobby. I was like an addict chasing his drug of choice after a relapse.

I scanned the club as soon as I made it to the main floor, and I found him instantly by his fucking hair. Adrenaline started to spread through my veins. The last time we saw each other, things hadn’t ended on good terms, but maybe it wasn’t too late to rectify a few things. Theodore Lyons was at the bar looking as out of place in my domain as I felt whenever he was near. He was a bit taller than what I remembered, but not by much. His hair was still curly, but shorter. It suited him and made him look a bit older. His cheeks weren’t as rounded, a bit hollower, but there was still something soft about him. The cop uniform amused me. Not the route I thought he would take, especially since his father would assume it was beneath them, but I was proud of him for sticking it to Judge Lyons in his own way.

“Can I help you, little lion?” I whispered when I was standing next to him.

Even in the loud club, I heard his sharp intake of breath.

He had to have known I would be here, and that was fucking with my head. Theo slowly turned his head toward me, and those brown eyes were hesitant as they took me in.

“Zinnetti,” he said with a head nod in acknowledgment.

I laughed.

“So, I’m no longer Sal?” His jaw clenched. “Although I did prefer it when you called me God.” His nostrils flared, and I bit back a smile. Anger was better than not feeling anything at all, right? “I’m not sure blue is the right color for you,” I teased as I leaned against the bar.

I signaled for the bartender to come since Theo had failed miserably to get his attention.

“Drinking on the job?”

He inhaled and exhaled. When the bartender did come, he asked him a few questions regarding a call they had come to answer. Apparently, someone made a phone call about a couple of douches slipping pills. The bartender looked at me as if asking for permission since we liked to take care of things like this in-house. With a subtle nod, he gave Theo the information he needed.

Once that was done, he waited a second before he turned around.

“It was good seeing you again, Theo,” I told him, and I meant it. I turned around, ready to go back to the security room, when his hand wrapped around my arm. My skin felt alive at that second. It was better than any high I had ever felt.

I didn’t say anything. I just raised a brow. I was tired of hearing myself talk, and I just wanted to listen to his voice.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out, as if he was trying to work something out.

“I get out of work in two hours.”

My heart was stammering.

“And I care why?”

The indifference in my tone surprised even me.

“My car has a flat.” It was a lie, but I didn’t call him out on it. He rattled off his precinct number and then left without another word.

It left me restless, but in an hour and a half, I was already out the door. He didn’t say a word when he climbed into my car. My phone kept pinging with text messages and calls from Armando. I looked at them but otherwise ignored them.

“Your place or mine?” I asked between gritted teeth, feeling angry.

It was irrational, but after years this wasn’t how I envisioned how our first meet would go. If you’d asked me this morning, I would have told you that I hadn’t even considered this a possibility, but here we were, and whether I should or not, I was about to give in.

“Y-yours,” his voice wavered, and I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

We made it to my condo in no time. He followed quietly behind me as I opened the door. Once he passed the threshold, I snapped. My hand reached to his shoulder and turned him around. His brow furrowed but did nothing when I brought him closer to me.

There were no words I could say at this moment. I brought my lips to his and relished the taste of him. Deception tasted like heaven on his lips. His back hit the wall with more force than necessary, but that didn’t seem to bother him. His arms wrapped around my neck, and a part of me felt lighter. My hand made its way to his hair and gripped those soft curls. He let go of my mouth with a soft moan.
