Page 145 of Sidelined

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All of which is fucking mortifying when realization sets in.

“What the actual fuck?” I snap, grabbing the shower curtain and wrestling it from his grip to hide my erection from view. But it’s too little, too late. From the way he blinks up at me, nearly stunned to silence, he got more than an eyeful.

Fuck me running.

And now he’s just standing here…staring at me while the water pounds down over me. Which makes me uncomfortable as hell, but for all the wrong reasons. Because now that he’s right in front of me—water still dripping from his hair and cascading down his chest—my cock has more concrete images to work with.

And that’s really not what needs to happen right now.

I aim my best death glare at him, hoping it hides the straight-up lust I’m trying my best to gain ahold of. “Do you mind? A little privacy while I shower would be nice.”

Avery still looks stunned as he mutters out an explanation I didn’t ask for. “The place was empty when I came in here. But I heard the shower still running when I turned mine off.”

“That’s generally what happens when another person is in a different shower.”

“I didn’t realize someone else would be in here at this time.” He shakes his head, still a little stunned. “I thought it just…turned on.”

“So naturally, that possessed you to barge into the stall and check? Rather than, I don’t know, asking if someone was in here? Or run the opposite way, in case the place was haunted?”

The barrage of questions paired with my taunting quickly lights his very short fuse, snapping him into true asshole-Avery form. And while it isn’t something I enjoy, at least it tamps my libido down enough so I’m no longer saluting him at the waist.

“I don’t fucking know what I was thinking, Kaleb. It’s been a long-as-shit week, and it’s not even over yet. I might as well be an extra on The Walking Dead right now, and I sure as hell didn’t think someone else would’ve come in here at fucking midnight!”

“My stuff sitting out there on the counter wasn’t a dead giveaway?”

“Oh, my God,” he says, shaking his head while stepping back. “Did you not hear a word I just said? I’m minutes away from fucking hallucinations. You think I really saw it?”

He’s got a point, even if I’ll never admit it aloud. I remember my first week of camp as a counselor, and it’s like he said—zombified.

“Okay, fine,” I concede before noting the water slowly starting to cool as it hits my skin. “But are we done here? I kind of want to finish my shower.”

I go to pull the curtain back into place without waiting for his answer, but he grabs the fabric again and holds it open. So once again, I’m forced to grab it back and cover myself.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“Oh, hell no. We’re not even close to being done. You wanna sit and question me? Well, let’s talk about what the hell you’re doing in here,” he growls before jutting his chin toward me. “Because it looks an awful lot like you’re perving in a boy’s camp.”

I open my mouth, ready to call him out for doing the exact same thing minutes earlier…but then I realize I can’t. Because if he knew I was getting off to the sounds he was making, it would only make worse implications.

And the last thing I want is to give him more opportunities for uncovering my sexuality.

So, on the fly, I come up with a cover plausible enough to deny perving of any kind.

“Oh, fuck off, Reynolds. Don’t act like you’ve never gotten a little hard from cleaning your dick.”

“Really? Cleaning it? That’s what we’re calling it these days?”

A dubious look appears on his face, brows arched in challenge when he crosses his arms over his broad chest. One I’ve only now realized has a fine dusting of blond hair across it.

Abort, abort, abort.

“Fine, you got me, okay? I was jerking it. You really gonna tell me you’re prepared to go ten whole weeks without getting off?” I pause and shake my head. “But it’s not like I was…perving on them. They were nowhere in my thoughts.”

Just the idea makes me wanna gag.

Perving on him, on the other hand…that just makes me fucking horny. Unfortunately.

There’s still a slight amount of judgment in his tone when he asks, “And you knowingly did that with someone else in the stall next to you?”
