Page 190 of Sidelined

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I think to grab it, but tonight’s not about me, so I leave the cabin and make my way to my truck.

This night is about to get interesting.



If Bryan thinks he can play both me and Quin, he’s dead wrong. I’ve been talking to Bryan for a couple days now and not once has he mentioned even knowing Quin. I saw them talking in front of the gift shop. I know they know each other. I know he’s the guy who stayed after hours with him, but he thinks I’m dumb. He thinks I don’t know about their friendship, and now after flirting with me the last two days, he’s going to call my man up and make plans?

I don’t think so.

See, I was going to play this out, be more methodical like Quin, but now I’m pissed. I wanted Bryan to be someone for the both of us. I would get to know him, find out details I needed to know—feed my hunter side, and then make sure Quin gets riled up enough by my absence and talk of new friends, just so I could then present him with a gift. He could kill Bryan.

I want him to show me he gets jealous. I need to know he’s bothered at the prospect of me hanging out with someone else, especially since I know he’s been talking to someone. Then, when I bring him the guy he’s been talking to, he can prove that Bryan means nothing by killing him. It’s for both of us. It’s not like he has feelings. He’s not gonna be bothered by killing anyone. His bloodlust will win every time and sliding his blade through Bryan’s chest will fill him with excitement.

However, now I’m angry. My plan has gone to shit, and I have to get rid of Bryan myself, because I’ll be damned if I allow them to get together for any reason.

I rush down the road in my truck, heading for Bryan’s place. I’ll get to him before he can even leave. I already found out where he lives, and because we left work at the same time yesterday, I know what his vehicle looks like. He can’t hide from me.

Unfortunately, I come across an accident that slows me down. When I pass the vehicles, I see the first one has quite a bit of damage to the front of their car, but without another car in front of it, I imagine they must’ve hit an animal. Likely a moose. Considering I don’t see a carcass on the street, it probably ran off, but with half the road blocked, it definitely keeps me from getting to Bryan as fast as I wanted to.

As I’m approaching the area his apartment complex is in, I see his car leaving the cul-de-sac.


I do a quick turnaround and follow him.

If he gets to Lowell Point and Quin is already there, I don’t know what I’ll do. I hoped to take care of him beforehand.

He makes a stop at a small gas station off Seward highway, and luckily for me, it’s the less popular one. If he traveled a few more miles, the next one would’ve been better lit up, more populated, and he’d be in less danger.

After he gets gas, he pulls into a parking spot alongside the darkened building. I watch from my own spot several yards away as his phone lights up his face from within his car. He’s either looking up directions or trying to get in touch with Quin. That thought infuriates me.

I look around and make sure nobody else is nearby. I was sure to never drive in front of the building in case they have cameras, but I know for a fact there are none toward the back of the store. Me and Bryan are the only customers here.

Pulling my hood over my head and shoving my hands into gloves, I get out of the truck and walk around to the bed, opening it up.

Bryan reverses, aiming his headlights in my direction as he heads for the exit. He’s slow, still looking at his phone. Doesn’t he know that’s dangerous?

I take a few steps toward his SUV, noticing he doesn’t even look up. A few more steps puts me right in front of him.

He finally glances up and slams on his brakes, and I stumble out of the way. “Hey, what the fuck?”

To his credit, he stops completely and rolls down his window. “Oh my god. I’m sorry, man.”

I squint my eyes and look into his window. “Bryan?” I ask, pushing my hood back.

“Grayson? Holy shit. I’m sorry.”

I laugh and play it off. “Don’t worry about it. Hey, do you have a minute? I’m having an issue with my truck.”

“Yeah, of course. Least I could do, right?” he says with a chuckle. “I could’ve killed you.”

I laugh humorlessly, the smile not reaching my eyes. “Yeah.”

He pulls around and parks next to me, and I wait for him at the back of my truck. I grab the burlap sack, keeping my hand on the rough material as he closes his door.

“What’s going on?” he asks.
