Page 248 of Sidelined

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“That somehow, we found our way back to each other. After all these years. Without even trying.” His mouth crooks up, and something sinks in my gut at the…Well, I don’t really know what to call it.

He looks…hopeful? Excited maybe?

Genuine for once?

I force a hard swallow. “Just a weird coincidence.”

He hums. “Maybe.” He dips his head to look up at me through his thick long lashes. “Or we were always meant to be together.”

My whole body stiffens, my jaw ticking, but I try not to let him see that he’s getting to me.

“Tell Prince Charming I’ll be seeing him,” he adds softly, almost as if it’s an afterthought.

“Don’t touch him.” Hell, even to my own ears, I don’t sound all that convincing.

He huffs a sound of amusement. “Believe it or not, but I have no interest in him.”

This time, the shivers racking up my spine are near-combustible. Before he can pick up on just how volatile of an effect his words have on me, I whirl around and storm out into the hall.

The heavy door swings shut behind me with hardly a sound.

It’s been three weeks since Aston St. James came back into my life, and until today—with the exception of the Bell Game—he’s hardly spared me a glance. We hadn’t so much as spoken a word to each other. Hardly even passed each other in the halls; I made sure of that.

In fact, until now, I was truly starting to believe he didn’t even remember me.

I should be terrified.

I should be angry and worried and stressing the fuck out.

I should be anything but…




I’m at my first party.

And not just any party, but a fucking rager.

“Watch where you’re going, freak!” a girl squeals when one of my wings bats her in the shoulder.

“Watch the merchandise, bitch!” I sass back, before whirling around with a snap of my fingers.

So rude, I think with a dismal shake of my head. I quickly fix the gold crown on my head when it teeters.

Meeting the stares of some familiar faces I’ve seen from school, I give them all waves and little bows and curtsies as I make my way back toward the kitchen to refill my cup.

Loud house music blasts from the speakers in the other room, shaking the floorboards and rattling the picture frames hanging from the walls. I think I vaguely recognize one of the kids in the pictures, but honestly, I have no freaking idea whose house this is.

I overheard there was a party tonight, and being that it’s almost Halloween and costumes were encouraged, I figured it was high time I polished the dust off my calendar and made my grand debut into high society.

And what a glorious debut it’s been so far. I look fucking ah-mazing.

Stick an arrow in my ass and call me Shnookums, because Cupid is on the prowl tonight, baby. And he ain’t stoppin’ until he gets a little somethin’ somethin’ for himself.

Ignoring the rap blasting through the speakers, I hum and mouth the words to “Somebody to Love” by Jefferson Airplane as I go about making myself a drink.
